DMR Announces over $200,000 in grants to Coastal Communities
Augusta - The Department of Marine Resources has awarded $202,500 in Shore and Harbor Planning grants to Bar Harbor, Chebeague Island, Long Island, Thomaston, and the Greater Portland Council of Governments. These awards, funded by DMR's Maine Coastal Program and NOAA, will be used for harbor management plans, documenting and increasing public access to the shore, designing and updating water access facilities, and waterfront resiliency planning.
Marine Patrol Investigating a Recreational Boating Fatality
Phippsburg - Maine Marine Patrol is investigating a recreational boating fatality that occurred yesterday on Flag Island near Phippsburg. Marine Patrol was notified yesterday morning by a fisherman who reported a vessel aground on the island. Marine Patrol officers arrived on scene at approximately 7:00 a.m. and found a deceased male, identified as Vincent Wells, 37 of Phippsburg, aboard a 25-foot Yamaha Jet Boat. The vessel has been recovered by Sea Tow and will be examined by Marine Patrol as part of its ongoing investigation.
Notice to License Holders - DMR to Reimburse Commercial Harvesters for License Fees
Dear License Holder:
Using funds for fisheries relief provided through the Consolidated Appropriations Act, the Department of Marine Resources (DMR) is reimbursing commercial harvesters for the costs of their 2022 licenses and any associated fees (surcharges, tags, etc.). To be eligible for reimbursement, the license must meet the following requirements: