Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP) Summary

Survey Methods

Estimates generated from the APAIS, FHTS and FES surveys include: total numbers of fish caught, released and harvested; weight of the harvest; and total number of angler trips. In 1996, Maine DMR assumed responsibility for conducting the MRIP field component in Maine, giving us the ability to increase the number of angler interviews collected beyond the NMFS requirements. This in turn has given us a significantly improved database that generates more precise estimates.

Three fishing modes are targeted during field intercept assignments: shore, private/rental boats, and charter/head boats (the latter two are also referred to as "for-hire" boats). Water access sites at which recreational fin-fishing occurs are assigned activity pressure ratings and are then randomly selected each month for interview collection assignments. The frequency of site selection is based on the relative fishing activity estimated to exist at each site in a two-month block or "Wave" (May/June, July/August, September/October).

Some 2023 data highlights

Numbers of interviews

During Maine's May 1 - October 31, 2023 sampling season, 283 fishing access site assignments were completed, producing 1,375 angler interviews from boat launches, marinas, docks, beaches, jetties, breakwaters, etc. from Kittery to Eastport. Specifically by fishing mode, 481 shore anglers, 755 private and rental boat anglers, and 139 anglers fishing from charter boats were interviewed. How many fishing trips did anglers make in Maine in 2023? Preliminary estimates show anglers made 2,379,368 individual fishing trips. The following graph offers a picture of the trend in effort by mode from 1981 to 2023.

How many fishing trips did anglers make in Maine in 2021?

Preliminary estimates show anglers made 1,738,944 individual fishing trips. The following graph offers a picture of the 7-year trend in effort by mode.

Saltwater Recreational Fishing Trips 1981 to 2023

For More Information

If during the course of the fishing season you encounter DMR staff in the field, please allow us a few minutes of your time to answer some questions about your fishing trip. Thank-you!