Standard Aquaculture Lease Application

Introduction | Pre-Application Requirements for Standard Lease Applications | Standard Lease Application Forms | Additional Application Forms for Existing Standard Leases


A standard lease permits the lease holder to culture finfish, shellfish, and/or marine algae on up to 100 acres for 20 years. Standard leases have certain pre-application requirements. For example, DMR requires standard lease applicants to submit a "draft application" and hold a scoping session on their draft before the submission of a “final application.”

Diagram of the Standard Lease Application Process - pdf

Applications must be submitted using the forms currently hosted on this website. Please be sure your submission reflects the most current version of the respective form. Submissions that are made on discontinued forms may be returned to the applicant.

Pre-Application Requirements for Standard Lease Applications

Please note that the first step in the standard lease application process is attending a pre-application meeting with the Department and the municipality (usually represented by the harbormaster). Your draft application will be due to the Department four months after the pre-application meeting.

Please contact to arrange this meeting. Contact us early in your planning for a lease application; it will help both you and the Department a great deal.

Standard Lease Application Forms

There are two types of standard leases: discharge and non-discharge. A discharge lease application is required when the proposal includes the addition of feed (pellets, kelp, etc.) or additives (therapeutants, chemical treatments, drugs, etc.) into the water. Pick the appropriate application for your proposal from the options below. 

Before you apply, please review the application instructions document that corresponds to the application form you are completing. This document provides instructions for each application question and example answers for reference. Application questions are reflective of what is required to be asked pursuant to statute and rule.


  • Lease Conversion Application:

Application form to convert an existing non-discharge experimental lease to a non-discharge standard lease. This form can only be used if you are not making any changes to what was permitted as part of the experimental lease.


Additional Application Forms for Existing Standard Leases

    Lease Renewal Application:

    Lease Transfer Application:

    Lease Amendment Application:

    Lease Expansion Application:

    Information on expanding existing standard aquaculture leases can be found in the lease expansion guidance document: Lease Expansion Guidance Document - pdf