The following is a list of historical research publications by DMR staff.
Most of them have not been digitized (yet) but copies are available by contacting Lauren Brown.
On this page:
Dow, R.L. - Methods to Reduce Borer Damage to Lobster Traps- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries. Technical Bulletin no.3 , 1953, 15p.
Ricker, F.W., Spencer, F.R. - Innovations in Lobster (Homarus americanus) Pound Management.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries. 1972, 8p.
Krouse, J.S. - Effects of Trap Selectivity and Some Population Parameters on Size Composition of the American Lobster, Homarus americanus, Catch along the Maine Coast.- Fishery Bulletin 73(4) pp.862-871, 1975.
Sheldon, W.W., Dow, R.L.- Trap Contributions to Losses in the American Lobster Fishery.- Fishery Bulletin 73(2)pp. 449-451, 1975.
Krouse, J.S. - Facts behind the Lobster Escape Vent Law- Maine Department of Marine Resources. Lobster Leaflet no. 4, 1977, 9p.
Krouse, J.S. - Effectiveness of Escape Vent Shape in Traps for Catching Legal-sized Lobster, Homarus americanus, and Harvestable-Sized Crabs, Cancer borealis and Cancer irroratus.- Fishery Bulletin 76(2) pp.425-432, 1978.
Dow, R.L. - The American Lobster.- Fishing New International, November 1980.
Dow, R.L. - The European and American Lobster Fisheries.- National Fisherman, February 1980.
Dow, R.L. - Future of Lobster Industry remains foggy.- National Fisherman Yearbook 1981 Issue.
Krouse, J.S. - Lobster Tail Meat Validation Study: Maximum Size Assessment.- 1992 Res. Ref. Doc. 92/1
Kelly, K.H. - Determination of Lobster Trap Density Near Midcoastal Maine by Aerial Photography.- 1993 Res. Ref. Doc. 93/03
Wilson, C.J., Steneck R.S. - Large-Scale and Long-Term, Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Demography and Landings of the American Lobster, Homarus americanus, in Maine.- 2001. Res. Ref. Doc. 01/21
Donahue, J.K. - What Makes a Lobster Shed.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries. Research Bulletin no.8, 1952, 3p.
Taylor, C.C. - A Method for Inferring the Annual Growth Increment of Lobsters from Length-Frequency Measurements.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries. Fisheries Circular no. 3, 1951, 4p.
Donahue, J.K. - Studies on Ecdysis in the American Lobster (Homarus americanus): I-The Lobster Egg as a source of Estrogenic Hormone.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries. Research Bulletin no.8, 1952, 5p.
Donahue, J.K. - Studies on ecdysis in the American Lobster (Homarus americanus): II-Serum Calcium Levels under Various Normal Conditions.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries. Research Bulletin no.13, 1953, 10p.
Donahue, J.K. - Studies on Ecdysis in the American Lobster (Homarus americanus): III- A method for differentiating ages of the Intermoult Cycle.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries. Research Bulletin no.20, 1954, 3p.
Donahue, J.K. - Studies on Ecdysis in the American Lobster (Homarus americanus): IV- Estrogenic Hormone as a Possible Moult-Inhibitor in the Egg-bearing Female.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries. Research Bulletin no. 24, 1955, 6p.
Donahue, J.K. - Chromatographic Identification of Lobster Egg Estrogen.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries. Research Bulletin no.28, 1957, 4p.
Krouse, J.S. - Size at First Sexual Maturity for Male and Female Lobsters found along the Coast of Maine- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries. Lobster Informational leaflet no 2, 1972, 12p.
Dow, R.L. - Comments on the Effect of an Increase in the Minimum size of Lobsters to 3-3/16 Inches.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries, 1955, 5p.
Dow, R.L. - Lobster Maximum Size Restrictions.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries, 1955, 8p.
Dow, R.L. - Limitations on Measurement of Effort-Yield in the Maine Lobster Fishery.- Fishing News International August 1966, pp.32-36
Dow, R.L. - Yield Trends of the American Lobster Resource with Increased Fishing Efforts.- Marine Technology Society Journal 10(7) pp. 15-17, 1976
Dow, R.L. - Lobster Overfishing and Ways to Counter it.- National Fisherman 59(5) p. 42 Sept. 1978
Dow, R.L. - Maine has been try to manage her Lobsters for over 3 Centuries.- National Fisherman, January 1980.
Wilson, C.J. - Improve Information and Assessment of the Lobster Fishery, Maine's Most Valuable Marine Resource, Using an Automated Data Collection Device, The HMS-410.- 2000 Res. Ref. Doc. 00/16
Wilson, C.J. - Improve Information and Assessment of the Lobster fishery. Maine's Most Valuable Marine Resource, Using an Automated Data Collection Device, The HMS-410 (July 1, 2000 - June 31, 2001).- 2001 Res. Ref. Doc 01/15.
Wilson, C.J., Chen, Y. - A Simulation Study to Evaluate Impacts of Uncertainty on the Assessment of American Lobster Fishery in the Gulf of Maine.- 2002 Res. Ref. Doc 02/20.
Dow, R.L. - American Lobsters Tagged by Maine Commercial Fishermen 1957-1959.- Fishery Bulletin 72(2) pp. 622-623, 1974.
Krouse, J.S. - Completion Report Lobster Tagging Project #3-228-R October 1974 thru September 1977.- 1978, Res. Ref. Doc. 79/8
Krouse, J.S. - Movement, Growth and Maturity of American Lobsters, Homarus americanus, Tagged along the Coast of Maine.- NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF-747 September 1981.
Krouse, J.S. - Historical Review of Lobster Tagging Studies(1898-1980).- Maine Dept. of Marine Resources, Lobster Informational Leaflet #8, December 1980.
Krouse, J.S. - Summary of Lobster, Homarus americanus, Tagging Studies in American waters (1898-1978). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 932, March 1980, pp.135-140.
Krouse, J.S. - Description of DMR's Juvenile Lobster Mark-Recapture Investigation and some Preliminary Findings (1977-1982).- Maine Dept. of Marine Resources, Lobster Informational Leaflet #11, March 1983.
Krouse, J.S. - Maine Lobster Migration Study.- 1985, Res. Ref. Doc. 85/19
Taylor, C.C. - A Study of Lobster Shell Disease with Observations and Recommendations.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries, 1949, 11p.
Sawyer Jr., W.H., Taylor, C.C. - The Effect of Shell Disease on the Gills and Chitin of the Lobster (Homarus americanus).- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries. Research Bulletin no. 1, 1949 10p.
Harriman D.M. - Toxicities of Some Metals on Lobster (Homarus americanus) in Natural and Artificial Sea Waters.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries. Fisheries Circular no. 11, 1953, 8p.
Dow, R.L., Trott Jr., T.T. - A Study of Major Factors of Maine Lobster Production Fluctuations.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries, 1956, 24p.
Hurst Jr. J.W. - Maine's Experience with Lobster Gaffkyaremia and Sanitary Control Measures.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries. Fisheries Circular no. 27, 1960, 6p.
Dow, R.L. - Use of Environmental and Economic Factors to Check Biological Fluctuations in Maine lobster Population.- Commercial Fisheries Review 24(8) pp.6-8, 1962
Dow, R.L. - Effort, Environment, Supply and Yield in the Maine Lobster Fishery.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries, 1967, 16p.
Dow, R.L. - The Influence of Temperature on Maine Lobster Supply.- Research Bulletin no. 30, 1967 22p.
Dow, R.L. - Interrelated Influence of Seawater Temperature on Supply and Fishing Effort on Production in the Maine Lobster Fishery.- Maine Dept. Sea and Shore Fisheries, 1968, 11p
Dow, R.L. - Cyclic and Geographic Trends in Seawater Temperature and Abundance of American Lobster.- Science 164(3888) pp. 1060-1063, May 30, 1969
Dow, R.L. - Pesticide Residue Trends in Lobster.- Maine Environmental Bulletin (Natural Resources Council of Maine), January 1969, pp 1-2.
Dow, R.L. - Effects of Sea-Surface Temperature Cycles on Landing of American, European and Norway Lobsters.- Journal du Counseil 38(2) pp. 271-272, 1978.
Sherburne, S.W. - Phosphoglucomutase Polymorphism in Inshore and Offshore Populations of the American Lobster, Homarus americanus.- 1983, Res. Ref. Doc. 83/17.