Land-Based Aquaculture


The Aquaculture Division is one authority involved in the licensing of land-based aquaculture facilities that are culturing marine organisms. The information provided here is specific to processes and licenses/permits under DMR’s jurisdiction.

Application and Contact

Fill out the online land-based aquaculture license application.

Alternatively, you may use the links below to download and print a hard copy of the application. Mail or email the completed license application to the Department of Marine Resources, Attn: Aquaculture Division, 21 SHS, Augusta, ME 04333-0021

Transfer and Importation Permits

It is illegal to import marine organisms from beyond Maine’s borders without appropriate approval. Permits may also be required for the transfer of marine organisms within the state. Please refer to Chapters 2 and 24 of DMR’s regulations. Transfer and import permits for marine organisms are managed by DMR’s Pathology Program. For more information, please visit: Pathology | Department of Marine Resources