Registration has closed for Coastweek 2024. Thanks to all the volunteers who make this event a success every year!
Coastweek is a national celebration of our coastal resources. In Maine, the annual Coastal Cleanup is the biggest volunteer event in the state! Since 2020, the one-day event in September has become a whole month of Cleanups around the world.
Maine Coastweek 2023 Results
- Pounds cleaned - 5,578
- Miles of waterfront cleaned - 72.9
- Items recorded - 33,293
- Total volunteers - 736
See the 2023 ICC report for results from other parts of the world (PDF, 32 pages).
2024 Coastweek sponsor 98.9 WCLZ
The International Coastal Cleanup was established over 35 years ago to address the problem of trash in our oceans and on our coasts. The Ocean Conservancy manages the ICC and maintains a database of all the items that volunteers around the world record when collecting trash. As of 2020, the one-day event in September has become a whole month of Cleanups around the world!
MCP has been the State Coordinator for the International Coastal Cleanup for over 30 years and remains committed to supporting and facilitating annual Cleanups of our coastal beaches and waterways. Volunteers join MCP by adopting a location and soliciting others to join them in cleaning up the trash from their location of choice and help to keep our coast and ocean trash free!
For news and information on the impacts of marine debris please visit the following:
- NOAA - Zero Waste Back to School Preparation
- Ocean Conservancy - What the Foam!? Program: Learn about the impacts of foamed plastic!
- Ocean Conservancy - Charting a Course to Plastic Free Beaches
- Bloomberg.com - The no-packaging movement - By Elizabeth Elkin
- Ocean Conservancy - Pandemic Pollution: The Rising Tide of Plastic PPE
To get information on the high and low tides for your Cleanup location please visit:
To promote your cleanup, download a copy of the 2024 poster by selecting the image below.
The following sites are looking for volunteers:
Beals, Seaduck Cove, Thursday 9.12.2024, 11:00am, Contact Cathy Lookabaugh, clookabaugh@mcht.org
Biddeford, Fortunes Rock, Saturday 9.21.2024, 10am, Contact Kiara Frischkornz, Vista@heartofbiddeford.org
Bristol, Pemaquid Beach, Saturday, 9.7.2024, Contact Nancy Chick, chickmom102@gmail.com
Cape Elizabeth, Crescent Beach, Saturday, 9.14.2024, Contact Kate McPherson, katedmcpherson@gmail.com
Cutler, Eastern Nubble, Saturday 9.14.2024,1:00pm, Contact: Cathy Lookabaugh, clookabaugh@mcht.org
Franklin, Taunton Bay, Sunday 9.15.2024, 9:00am, Contact: Jean Roberts, 14thebarn@gmail.com
Georgetown, Shoreline and Marshes, Saturday 9.21.2024, 9:30am, Contact: Ruth Indrick, rindrick@kennebecestuary.org
Harpswell, Bailey Island, Saturday, 9.7.2024, Contact Carolyn, cbulliner@yahoo.com
Harpswell, Harpswell Shoreline (all locations), Saturday 9.14.2024, 8:00am thru 12:00pm (Town Office Check In), Contact: Paul Plummer, pplummer@town.harpswell.me.us
Kittery, Seapoint Beach, Saturday, 9.21.2024, Contact Donald Moore, donald.moore2@stantec.com
Lamoine, Marlboro Beach, Saturday 9.14.2024 at 11:00am, Contact: Steve Eddy, steve@seaveg.com
Lamoine, Lamoine State Park, Sunday 9.15.24 at 2:00pm, Contact Hannah Horecka, QSYoga@gmail.com
Lubec Coastline, Monday, 9.9.24 at 8:00 am Contact: Steven Hedlund, steven.hedlund@cookeaqua.com
Lubec, Downeast Coastal Conservancy Preserves, Tuesday, 9.10.2024, 9:00am, Contact: Emily Guirl, emily@downeastcoastalconservancy.org
Lubec Shoreline, Saturday 9.07.2024 at 9:00am, Contact: Deborah Seavey, deborahseavey@gmail.com
Pembroke Shoreline, Saturday 9.07.2024, 11:00am, Contact Frederick Gralenski, longpoint37@gmail.com
Phippsburg, Basin Preserve, Wednesday, 9.11.2024, 9:00am, Contract Sarah Madronal, sarah.madronal@tnc.org
Portland, Back Cove, Saturday 9.21.24, 9:00am, Contact Kate Tims, ktims@portlandmaine.gov
Saco, Bayview Beach, Sunday 9.22.2024, 9:00am, Contact: Suzanne Nason, snason@sbsavings.bank
Scarborough, Pine Point Beach, Friday 9.13.2024 at 8:00am Contact: George Mageles, gmageles@hotmail.com
Surry, Saturday, 9.14.2024 10:00am, Contact Dani Rodriguez, drodriguez@shawinstitute.org
Wells, Wells Beach, Saturday, 9.21.2024 at 12:30pm, Contact: Darlene, lifetime_chick@hotmail.com