Maine DMR Lobster Monitoring and Assessment
This lobster program is the longest running, on-going, catch and effort study within the Department. In addition to lobster landings statistics, this program has been collecting statistical information on the commercial and natural population of lobsters along the Maine coast for over 40 years. The program collects valuable data on lobster catch as well as discards and bycatch which are directly used in the lobster stock assessment as well as in other studies.
- 2023 monitoring program update & results (PDF file, 4 pages)
- Sea Sampling Information Brochure (PDF file, 2 pages)
- Program information about each lobster life stage and relevant surveys
- Latest lobster stock assessment and peer review, c/o ASMFC (near bottom of page)
- Request data or specimens from DMR lobster surveys
Lobster Life History Research
DMR leads research projects on lobster life history topics and collaborates with research institutions across the region to address research priorities within the stock assessment and understand impacts of change on the lobster population within the Gulf of Maine. See our DMR Lobster Research page for more details.
Jesica Waller - Division Director for the Division for Biological Monitoring and Assessment
Kathleen Reardon - Senior Lobster Biologist, Monitoring and Assessment
Heather Glon - Senior Lobster Biologist, Lobster Life History
Robert Russell - Settlement Survey Coordinator
Kristyn Kleman - Sea Sampling and Ventless Trap Coordinator