General Guidance:
Proposals are grouped by application type and organized in a sortable table. The tables are updated on a regular basis as new applications are deemed complete and move through the leasing process.
Selecting linked content within a row will open the respective documents or notices. If there is no document or other materials associated with the processing milestone, then no link is included.
This table includes draft standard and final standard applications that have been deemed complete by the Department. Standard lease applicants are required to submit a draft application prior to scheduling a scoping session. Final applications are submitted after the scoping session. These proposals are for new standard lease sites.
Applicant | Municipality | Draft Application Deemed Complete | Scoping Session | Final Application Deemed Complete | Site Visit Completed | Site Report Published | Hearing Scheduled | Notice of Final Decision |
Albatross Fisheries | St. George |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Bailey Point Oyster Company | Cushing |
X |
X |
Brewer, Jodi and Morning Star Fisheries, LLC | Southport |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Brewer, Marsden | Deer Isle |
X |
X |
Brewer, Robert | Deer Isle |
X |
X |
Butterfield, Keith | Harpswell |
X |
X |
Butterfield Shellfish | Yarmouth |
X |
X |
Clam Hunter Seafood, Inc. (App 1) | Phippsburg |
X |
X |
Clam Hunter Seafood, Inc. (App 2) | Phippsburg |
X |
X |
Cotton, John; Devil's Apron Sea Farm, LLC | St. George |
X |
X |
Deep Blue Aquaculture, LLC | Deer Isle |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Dewey's Shellfish, LLC | South Bristol |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Dodge Cove Marine Farm | Damariscotta |
X |
X |
Downeast Institute | Beals |
X |
X |
Downeast Institute (App 1) | Beals |
X |
X |
Downeast Institute (App 2) | Beals |
X |
X |
Ehle, Timothy & Lash, Isaac | Friendship |
X |
X |
FareWell LLC | Newcastle |
X |
X |
Ferda Farms LLC | Harpswell |
X |
X |
Glidden Point Oyster Company | Edgecomb |
X |
X |
Great Ledge Cove Seafood, LLC | Long Island |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Henninger, Thomas | Yarmouth |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Hunt, Stewart | Yarmouth |
X |
X |
Joyce, Jason & Joshua | Swan's Island |
X |
X |
Linda Kate Kelp LLC | Chebeague Island |
X |
X |
Melvin, Allison & Klein, Jesse | Deer Isle |
X |
X |
Mere Point Oyster Co, & Co-Applicant Dana Smith | Brunswick |
X |
X |
Merritt Island Oysters | West Bath |
X |
X |
Miller, Keith | St. George |
X |
X |
X |
Miller, Keith & Ryan (App 1) |
Rackliff Bay St. George |
X |
X |
Miller, Keith & Ryan (App 2) | Wheeler Bay St. George |
X |
X |
Miller, Mark | St. George |
X |
X |
Miss Madisyn, LLC | St. George |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Mook Sea Farms, Inc. | Damariscotta |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Nautical Farms LLC | Jonesport |
X |
X |
Norumbega Oyster, Inc. | Newcastle |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Norumbega Oyster | South Bristol |
X |
X |
Ocean's Balance | Long Island |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Pleasant Cove Oyster Farm | Boothbay |
X |
X |
Quahog Bay Conservancy | Harpswell |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Saltwind Seafarm, LLC, Matthew Hassler | Scarborough |
X |
X |
X |
Shearwater Ventures, LLC | Long Island |
X |
X |
Spinney, Joel | Newcastle |
X |
X |
Summit Point, LLC (App 1) | Long Island |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Summit Point, LLC (App 2) | Yarmouth |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Taunton Bay Oyster Co., Inc. | Hancock |
X |
X |
The Flying Place Limited Liability Company | Beals |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
This table includes standard lease renewal, transfer, and expansion requests deemed complete by the Department. The applications listed below propose to modify aspects of an existing standard lease site or transfer ownership.
Hearings: Only be held on a renewal application if DMR receives the requisite number of requests for a hearing during the comment period.
Site reports: Only issued for expansion applications at DMR’s discretion.
Application | Municipality | Lease Site ID | Type | Application Deemed Complete and Comment Period Set | Site Report Published | Hearing Scheduled | Notice of Final Decision |
Acadia Aqua Farms, LLC | Lamoine |
Renewal |
Baines, Robert & Cole | Unorganized Territory, Knox County | PEN CL | Amendment | ||||
Campbell, Adam & Zebadiah | North Haven | PHSP NH | Amendment | ||||
Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust | Damariscotta | DAM BP | Renewal | ||||
Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc. | Swans Island | SWAN HS | Renewal | ||||
Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc. | Lubec |
Renewal | ||||
Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc. | Lubec | COB RN2 | Renewal | ||||
Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc. | Machiasport | MACH II | Renewal | ||||
Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc. | Beals | EASTW SI | Renewal |
Dodge Cove Marine Farm | Damariscotta | DAM HI | Renewal |
Gray, Lauren & Joshua | Great Cranberry Island | CI PL | Amendment |
Horne, Christian & Bradley, Edward | Freeport | MAQ BRW | Renewal | ||||
Knudsen Holdings LLC to Mimi's Oysters LLC | Yarmouth | CAS BC2 | Transfer |
Maine Oyster, Inc. & Edward Bradley | Freeport | MAQ BRE | Renewal | ||||
Mere Point Oyster Co. | Brunswick | MAQ MP | Amendment | ||||
Norumbega Oysters Inc. | Newcastle | DAM PPN | Renewal |
Norumbega Oyster Inc. | Newcastle | DAM PPN | Amendment |
Nonesuch Oysters, LLC | Scarborough | SCAR SRR | Renewal | ||||
Nonesuch Oysters, LLC | Scarborough | SCAR SRR | Amendment | App | |||
Nonesuch Oysters, LLC | Scarborough | SCAR SRR | Expansion | App | |||
Peters, Eric | Damariscotta | DAM NP | Amendment | ||||
Spinney Creek Shellfish | Eliot | PISC SC | Expansion |
X |
University of Maine | South Bristol | DAM LW2x | Renewal |
X |
Wild Ocean Aquaculture, LLC | Long Island | CAS LCI2 | Renewal |
This table includes experimental lease applications that have been deemed complete by the Department.
Hearings: Only be held on an experimental application if DMR receives the requisite number of requests for a hearing during the comment period.
Applicant | Municipality | Application Deemed Complete and Comment Period Set | Site Visit Completed | Site Report Published | Hearing Scheduled | Notice of Final Decision |
Albatross Fisheries | St. George |
X |
Black Stone Point Oysters, LLC | Damariscotta |
X |
X |
Blackstone Point Oyster Co. | South Bristol |
Brewer, Jason | Boothbay |
X |
Chebeague Island Oyster Company, LLC |
Chebeague Island
X |
X |
X |
Devil's Apron Sea Farms (App 1) |
St. George |
X |
Devil's Apron Sea Farms (App 2) |
St. George |
X |
Dodge Cove Marine Farm | Walpole |
X |
X |
Dutton, Terry | Harpswell |
X |
X |
FV 11th Hour, Inc. | Searsport |
X |
X |
Genthner, Gary Jr. | Bremen |
X |
Gerber, Caitlin | Yarmouth |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Glidden Point Oyster Company | Edgecomb |
X |
X |
X |
Great Ledge Cove Seafood, LLC | Long Island |
X |
X |
Greenhead Lobster, LLC (App 1) | Stonington |
X |
Greenhead Lobster, LLC (App 2) | Stonington |
X |
Harvey, Shannon | Bremen |
X |
Heal, Nicholas (App 1) | Lincolnville |
X |
X |
Heal, Nicholas (App 2) | Northport |
X |
X |
Ice House Seafood LLC |
St. George, village of Port Clyde |
X |
JDL Fisheries LLC (App 1) | Bremen |
X |
JDL Fisheries LLC (App 2) | Bristol |
X |
Jordan, John Jr | Chebeague Island |
X |
X |
Jordan, John | Chebeague Island |
X |
Love Point Oysters, LLC | Freeport |
X |
X |
McPherson, Ryan | Newcastle | |||||
Miller, Keith; Hyvarinen, Mike; & Philbrook, Richard | St. George |
X |
X |
Miss Madisyn | St. George |
X |
Muscongus Bay Kelp (App 1) | Bristol |
X |
Muscongus Bay Kelp (App 2) | Bristol |
X |
Nor'Easter Oyster, Co. | South Bristol |
X |
X |
Norumbega Oyster, Inc. | South Bristol |
X |
X |
X |
Outer Limits, Inc. | Beals |
Parker, Joe | Yarmouth |
X |
Quinby, Kipp | Blue Hill |
Regenerative Maine (App 1) |
Otis Cove St. George |
X |
Regenerative Maine (App 2) |
Turkey Cove St. George |
X |
Robinson, Gordon (App 1) | Chebeague Island |
X |
X |
Robinson, Gordon (App 2) | Chebeague Island |
X |
X |
Salt of the Earth Seafarm, LLC | Vinalhaven | |||||
Schroeder, Jeffrey | St. George |
X |
X |
X |
Smith, Eric | Beals | |||||
Smith, Richard | Beals | |||||
Stover, George | Chebeague Island |
Summit Point LLC (App 1) |
NE of Sturdivant Island Ledge Cumberland |
Summit Point LLC (App 2) |
North of Sturdivant Island Cumberland |
Tarbox, Brian | St. George |
X |
X |
Tumble Tide LLC | Harpswell |
X |
Unicorn Oyster | Bristol |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Weeks, Benjamin (App 1) | Harpswell |
X |
X |
Weeks, Benjamin (App 2) | Harpswell |
X |
X |
This section includes experimental lease renewals and amendments deemed complete by the Department. Only experimental leases held for scientific purposes may be renewed or amended. Given the low number of these requests any pending proposals would be listed below.