Maps and Data

Interactive Maps and Data

The Department of Marine Resources utilizes ArcGIS Online to provide spatial and tabular data to the public. A number of web applications are also available for interacting with department datasets.

A guide for using the maps is available here (PDF file, 5 pages, 905 kb).

For help with map functionality, please contact GIS Coordinator, Bill DeVoe.
For information on the Lobster Management Area Map, contact Lorraine Morris.
For information on the Scallop Management Area Map, contact Melissa Smith.
For information on the Aquaculture Map, contact Amanda Ellis.
For information on the Maine Seafood Map.
To register to be on the Maine Seafood Map.

Maine DMR Open Data site

Use the Maine DMR Open Data site to search for, review and, download digital datasets or use the list below to access the web maps or datasets directly. Layer files linking directly to DMR datasets for use by ESRI ArcGIS clients can be downloaded from the Maine DMR GIS Layer Files group.

Web Mapping Applications

    Dashboards and Data Viewers

      Spatial Datasets

        Tabular Datasets