John and Judy Williams Receive DMR Andy Mays Award of Excellence

2025 DMR Andy Mays Award of Excellence
DMR Commissioner Patrick Keliher (left) presents the 2025 DMR Andy Mays Award of Excellence to John and Judy Williams of Stonington.

Rockport – Department of Marine Resources Commissioner Patrick Keliher presented John and Judy Williams of Stonington the annual “DMR Andy Mays Award of Excellence” at the recent Fishermen’s Forum in Rockport.

Commissioner Keliher credits both with being engaged in important issues over the years, which often means getting to meetings. “John and Judy are a team,” said Commissioner Keliher. “Judy does the driving to make sure that John is at the meetings where he can both stay informed and share the benefit of his experience.”

“John has set an example for young fishermen of not only fishing hard, but also of understanding and being involved in the issues that matter,” said Keliher. Williams, who is 71 years old, began fishing at six with his father, Bob, and has worked in different fisheries including groundfish, scallops and lobster. “He is a high liner, and he brings that experience and knowledge to the table during policy discussions. John makes sure the perspective of fishermen is heard,” said Keliher.

“As a board member of the Maine Lobstermen’s Association, John’s insights have informed many important decisions, as MLA has confronted some of the most challenging issues facing industry, from offshore wind development to right whale regulations,” said Keliher. Williams served as a member of the MLA board for 12 years until March of 2024.

As a four-year member of the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team (TRT), which advises the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) on right whale protection regulations, John also brought critically valuable fisherman perspective to the table. “The voice of a fisherman with John’s experience is critical in the development of plans that have a direct impact on the future of Maine’s lobster industry,” said Keliher.

In presenting the award, Commissioner Keliher acknowledged the value of John and Judy’s enduring partnership. “Together you have set an example of teamwork, persistence, and a dedication to sharing your knowledge and experience in the important conversations that are so vital to the future Maine’s fishing industry.”

The award is named for Southwest Harbor fisherman Andy Mays who passed away in 2017 but who left an important legacy of participation in the management and regulatory process.