Public Notice of Federal Consistency Review - Dredging Projects on Kennebunk River

The Arundel Yacht Club (AYC, 51 Ocean Avenue), Kennebunk River Club (KRC, 115 Ocean Avenue), Kennebunkport Marina (KM, 67 Ocean Avenue), and Yachtsman Marina (YM, 57 Ocean Avenue) propose to conduct maintenance dredging of their waterfront infrastructure, including in and around boat slips, to provide adequate depth for navigation and berthing at their marinas in the Kennebunk River in Kennebunkport, Maine. The proposed dredging will remove approximately 8,031 cubic yards (cy) of silty material from the AYC, 3,675 cy from KM, 8,935 cy from KRC, and 6,400 cy from YM. The proposed dredge depth is to -6 feet mean low water with a 1 foot overdredge. The total area to be impacted from all four sites is 195,581 square feet. This material is proposed to be mechanically dredged (clamshell bucket) and transported by barge to the Isle of Shoals North Disposal Site (IOSN). The dredging operation is expected to occur between November 1, 2025 and March 15, 2026. This action is subject to review for consistency with the enforceable policies of Maine Coastal Program under 15 CFR 930, subpart D. Public comments will be accepted March 5, 2025 and can be sent to More information about the projects can be found selecting any of the links below: