Herring: Area 1A Landings Prohibition Starting at 9pm, November 12

Notice to State and Federal Atlantic herring harvesters:

Preliminary landing reports indicate the remainder of Area 1A quota was landed last night in various ports from Maine to Massachusetts and has met the 92% threshold. NOAA is working on their closure procedure for the Atlantic herring fishery; however, it is unlikely that they will implement a fishery closure notice prior to tonight. 

With the understanding that we likely have caught the Area 1A sub-ACL, please be mindful that any overages incurred during the FY2024 fishing year will be subtracted from the FY2026 Area 1A sub-ACL. This action attempts to mitigate any impact on future seasons.  

Chapter 36 (D)(2) states: "No person shall land herring taken from a management area when 92% of the area's seasonal or sub-annual catch limit will be exceeded or if 95% of the coastwide annual catch limit will be exceeded". 

In accordance with that prohibition, no herring may be landed from Area 1A in Maine after 9 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. 

For any questions on the Atlantic herring fishery, please contact megan.ware@maine.gov or 207.446.0932.