Pursuant to 38 M.R.S. §480-D, sub-§9, the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) is required to provide the Maine Department of Environmental Protection with an assessment of the impacts on the fishing industry of proposed dredging operations. The town of Brooksville is proposing to dredge around the town pier in Betsy Cove in order to provide all-tide public access, reliable emergency access, and improved navigation for commercial industry. The proposed dredging will remove approximately 14,000 cubic yards of sand/silt material. The proposed dredge depth is to -7 feet Mean Lower Low Water with a 1 foot overdredge. The dredge area is about 65’ wide with a 130’ wide turning basin and is approximately 1000’ long (~73,000 square feet/1.5 acres). This material is proposed to be mechanically dredged (clamshell bucket) and transported by barge to the Rockland Disposal Site. The dredging operation is expected to occur in Fall 2025.
DMR will accept verbal and written comments about the potential impacts on fishing in the area to be dredged and impacts to the fishing industry of the proposed route to transport the dredge spoils to the Rockland Disposal Site. If 5 or more persons request a public hearing prior to March 6, 2025, DMR will hold a hearing. Comments should be sent to DMR at the email or mailing address listed below by 5:00 pm, March 6, 2025.
Department of Marine Resources, Attn: Environmental Permit Review, 21 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333 or email: EnvironmentalReview.DMR@maine.gov.