Message from Commissioner Keliher: Industry Encouraged to Attend Meetings to Discuss Lobster Management

As I am sure you know, I have publicly stated that Maine will not initiate an increase of the lobster gauge this summer.  Based on the overwhelming comments from industry, and with the support of the Governor, I informed the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's (ASMFC) Lobster Management Board of Maine’s position.

At this week’s ASMFC’s Lobster Board meeting I made a motion to initiate a new Addendum that would repeal the gauge and vent size changes.  Other states expressed significant concern about both the timing and reason for this motion.  Ultimately, the Board reluctantly passed the motion to initiate a management process to repeal the gauge and vent changes.

ASMFC's Lobster Management Board will consider approval of Draft Addendum XXXII for public comment in March and hold a public hearing and comment period in April, with the intention of finalizing the Draft Addendum at their May meeting. DMR will notify the industry of the date and time of these meetings when they are finalized.

DMR will schedule meetings with the Zone Councils immediately following the fishermen’s forum to discuss next steps. It is important to note we are starting this process with a clean slate, but I hope the industry will come to the table with ideas.  The goal of the meetings will be to listen to the industry to hear from you when you believe actions should be taken and what those actions should be.

It is critical to have industry members actively participate in these conversations so please keep an eye out for the dates and times of these Zone Council meetings.

Patrick Keliher
Maine Department of Marine Resources