NOTICE TO FISHERMEN: Dysart's Great Harbor Marina Dredge in Southwest Harbor

Pursuant to 38 M.R.S. §480-D, sub-§9, the Maine Department of Marine Resources is required to provide the Maine Department of Environmental Protection with an assessment to the impacts on the fishing industry of a proposed dredging operation. Dysart’s Great Harbor Marina in Southwest Harbor is proposing to dredge material along their docks and disposal at the Eastern Passage Disposal Site. (EPDS)

The Dysart’s Great Harbor Marina proposes to dredge 3,350cu. yd. of remaining material from a previous permit in the 2022/23 dredge window.  Dredging will be conducted from a barge with a clamshell bucket, all material will be loaded onto dump scows and towed to the EPDS. The dredge contractor will equip their spoils barges with Vessel Monitoring Systems. Construction will occur between November 8 and April 8.

Written comments or hearing requests need to be submitted by 5pm on October 11, 2022. Comments should be sent to Amanda Ellis at the email or mailing address listed below.

Department of Marine Resources, Attn: Amanda Ellis, 21 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333; tel.: (207) 624-6573 or email:

General questions about the project may be directed to Denis Marc-Nault at 207-592-0521 or