Chapter 42 Striped Bass

Date: March 3, 2025

Time: 5:00 p.m.

Location: DMR’s Conference Room 118, Marquardt Building, 32 Blossom Lane, Augusta ME, and remotely via Microsoft Teams.

Town: Augusta and Remote via Microsoft Teams

The Department of Marine Resources will hold a public hearing on Chapter 42 Striped Bass on March 3, 2025 at 5:00 pm in DMR’s Conference Room 118, Marquardt Building, 32 Blossom Lane, Augusta ME, and remotely via Microsoft Teams. 

BRIEF SUMMARY: This regulation proposes expanding the special hook and release season/area and the waters seasonally closed to the use of bait regulations on striped bass from May 1 to June 30 to the Saco and Presumpscot rivers. This is intended to reduce mortality of Atlantic striped bass in Maine territorial waters in recognition of the current overfished status of the stock. The proposed rule also provides an exemption for for-hire operators and crew to fillet legal striped bass dockside provided specific criteria are met.

A link to join the meeting remotely is below.

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If this hearing must be cancelled due to inclement weather, an alternate hearing will be held on March 6 at 5:00 pm in DMR’s Conference Room 118, Marquardt Building, 32 Blossom Lane, Augusta ME, and remotely via Microsoft Teams.

A copy of the proposed regulation is linked below.