2024-2025 Maine Scallop Season Overview

Regulations and Calendars

Reminder: Non-commercial scallop harvest follows the regulation calendars and open harvest areas based on gear type used. A vessel cannot have a commercial and non-commercial harvest occurring at the same time - a trip is either for commercial harvest or personal harvest.

A non-commercial scallop license in Maine allows the license holder to take scallops by hand or with a drag, and to possess, ship, or transport the scallops they take. However, there are some restrictions: The license holder can't take or possess more than 1.5 bushels of shell scallops or one gallon of shucked scallops in a single day.

  • The license holder can only take scallops for personal use and can't sell them.
  • Scallops can't be taken at night (sunset to sunrise).
  • Scallops must be at least four inches along their longest diameter.
  • SCUBA divers must have a diver certification and can't use a drag.

Interactive Map

2024-2025 Announcements

Zone 1 Limited Access Area Charts

Zone 2 Rotational Area Charts

Zone 2 Note: 
Harvesting of scallops by hand (diving) is restricted to Rotation B (Second) only for the 2024-2025 season. Harvesting for scallops by dredge gear is restricted to Rotation C (Third) only for the 2024-2025 season.

Dive Only:

Drag Only:

Zone 3 Chart