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Agencies: 02-027: Professional and Financial Regulation (General) 02-029: Bureau of Financial Institutions 02-030: Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection 02-031: Bureau of Insurance 02-032: Office of Securities 02-035: Maine Athletic Commission(Repealed) 02-039: Real Estate Commission 02-041: Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation (OPOR) 02-070: State Board of Certification for Geologists and Soil Scientists 02-164: Board of Hearing Aid Dealers and Fitters (absorbed by 02-643) 02-174: Board of Boilers and Pressure Vessels (repealed; see 02-041) 02-265: Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (repealed; see 02-041) 02-280: Board of Accountancy 02-285: State Board of Veterinary Medicine 02-287: Arborist Examining Board (repealed) 02-288: Maine State Board for Licensure of Architects, Landscape Architects and Interior Designers 02-295: Board of Commercial Driver Education 02-296: Board of Examiners on Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (absorbed by 02-643) 02-297: Board of Chiropractic Licensure 02-298: Board of Real Estate Appraisers 02-302: Board of Licensure of Auctioneers 02-313: Board of Dental Practice 02-318: Electrician's Examining Board 02-322: State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers 02-331: State Board of Funeral Service 02-333: Board of Licensure of Foresters 02-343: Board of Respiratory Care Practitioners 02-344: Board of Licensing of Dietetic Practice |
02-360: Board of Licensure for Professional Land Surveyors 02-371: Nursing Home Administrators Licensing Board 02-373: Board of Licensure in Medicine 02-380: State Board of Nursing 02-381: Oil and Solid Fuel Board (absorbed by 02-658) 02-382: State Board of Optometry 02-383: Board of Osteopathic Licensure 02-384: State Board of Alcohol and Drug Counselors 02-385: Manufactured Housing Board 02-386: Board of Elevator and Tramway Safety (repealed; see 02-041) 02-387: Maine Pilotage Commission 02-392: Maine Board of Pharmacy 02-393: Board of Examiners in Physical Therapy 02-395: Plumbers' Examining Board 02-396: Board of Licensure of Podiatric Medicine 02-415: State Board of Examiners of Psychologists 02-416: State Board of Social Worker Licensure 02-465: Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners 02-477: Board of Occupational Therapy Practice 02-502: Board of Complementary Health Care Providers 02-514: Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure 02-582: Propane and Natural Gas Board (absorbed by 02-658) 02-643: Board of Speech, Audiology and Hearing 02-658: Maine Fuel Board |
02 027 Professional and Financial Regulation - General Ch. 2 Disclosure of Investigative Records of Boards when Public Knowledge Exists 02 029 Bureau of Financial Institutions (formerly Bureau of Banking) (Note: for the Office of Securities, now a separate entity, see 02-032.) Ch. 101 Retention of Records - Financial Institutions Ch. 107 Activities Permissible for Financial Institution Holding Companies Ch. 108 Loans Secured By First Mortgage on Residential Real Estate Payable on Demand Ch. 109 Advertising by Financial Institutions, Financial Institution Holding Companies and Subsidiaries or Service Corporations Ch. 118 Funds Availability and Truth-in-Savings Ch. 119 Alternative Mortgage Transactions (Ch. 119 is a Joint Rule with 02-030, Ch. 250) Ch. 122 Securities Activities of Subsidiaries of Financial Institutions Ch. 123 Insurance Activities in Financial Institutions Ch. 126 Guaranty Association Lines of Credit Ch. 127 Minimum Capital Standards Ch. 128 Loans to One Borrower Limitations Ch. 129 Financial Institutions and Broker-Dealers Engaging in Third Party Brokerage Arrangements (Ch. 129 is a Joint Rule with 02-032 Ch. 506) Ch. 130 Distribution of Annuities Through Financial Institutions Ch. 131 Assessments - Financial Institutions Ch. 132 Mutual Holding Companies Ch. 133 Leasing of Personal Property by State Chartered Credit Union Ch. 134 Credit Union Service Corporations Ch. 135 Permissible Tie-In Arrangements Ch. 136 Deposit Production Offices Ch. 137 Interstate Branch Assessment Ch. 138 Truth-in-Lending, Regulation Z-3 (Regulation 38)(Ch. 138 is a joint rule with 02-030 Ch. 240) Ch. 139 Sale of Insurance Products by Financial Institutions and Supervised Lenders (Chapter 139 is a Joint Rule with 02-030 Ch. 400 and 02-031 Ch. 880) Ch. 140 Student Loan Disclosures (Ch. 140 is a Joint Rule with 02-030 Ch. 245) Ch. 141 Assessments - Nondepository Trust Companies, Uninsured Banks, and Merchant Banks Ch. 142 Charges Permitted for Prepayment of Certain Consumer Loans Ch. 143 Multiple of the State or Federal Minimum Wage (Ch. 143 is a Joint Rule with 02-030 Ch. 120) Ch. 145 Student Loans (Ch. 145 is a Joint Rule with 02-030 Ch. 600) 02 030 Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection Ch. 110 Bureau Organization, Administration and Procedure Ch. 120 Multiple of the State or Federal Minimum Wage (Ch. 120 is a Joint Rule with 02-029 Ch. 143) Ch. 140 Limiting Coverage on Property Related to Credit Transactions Ch. 150 Authorization of Rate Tables to Determine Unearned Finance Charge Ch. 190 Enforcement Policy Guidelines Ch. 240 Truth-in-Lending, Regulation Z-3 (Ch. 240 is a joint rule with 02-029 Ch. 138) Ch. 245 Student Loan Disclosures (Ch. 245 is a Joint Rule with 02-029, Ch. 140) Ch. 250 Alternative Mortgage Transactions (Ch. 250 is a Joint Rule with 02-029, Ch. 119) Ch. 270 Adjustment of Volume Fees (absorbed by Ch. 285) Ch. 285 Adjustment of Non-bank Mortgage Lender Fees to Fund Investigative and Legal Compliance Personnel Ch. 300 Collection Agencies: Application and Record Keeping Requirements Ch. 350 Credit Services Organization Ch. 400 Sale of Insurance Products by Financial Institutions and Supervised Lenders (Ch. 400 is a Joint Rule with 02-029, Ch.139 and 02-031, Ch.880) Ch. 500 Continuing Education Requirements for Individuals Registered as Loan Officers, or Licensed as Supervised Lenders or Loan Brokers Ch. 550 Mortgage Lending: Guidelines for Determining Reasonable, Tangible Net Benefit Ch. 600 Student Loans (Ch. 600 is a Joint Rule with 02-029 Ch. 145) Ch. 601 Establishment of Rules to Implement 9-A M.R.S. Article 14 and Requirement for Licensing of Student Loan Servicers Through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Ch. 700 Conversion of Maine's Supervised Lender and Loan Broker Licensing to the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) Ch. 701 Establishment of Registration and Renewal Fees and Licensing Requirements for Maine's Check Casher/Currency Exchanger Licensing and Requirement for Registration through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Ch. 702 Establishment of Registration and Renewal Fees and Registration Requirements for Maine’s Employee Leasing Company Registration and Requirement for Registration Through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Ch. 703 Establishment of Fees and Application Requirements for Maine’s Exchange Facilitator Licensing Ch. 704 Establishment of License and Renewal Fees and Licensing Requirements for Maine's Fair Credit Reporting Act Licensing and Requirement for Licensing through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Ch. 705 Establishment of License and Renewal Fees and Application Requirements for Maine's Debt Collector Licensing and Requirement for Licensing through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Ch. 706 Establishment of Registration and Renewal Fees and Application Requirements for Maine’s Debt Management Service Provider Registration and Requirements for Registration Through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Ch. 707 Establishment of License and Renewal Fees and Application Requirements for Maine’s Loan Broker Licensing and Requirement for Licensing Through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Ch. 708 Amendment of License and Renewal Fees for Maine's Mortgage Loan Originator Licensing through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Ch. 709 Establishment of License and Renewal Fees and Application Requirements for Maine's Money Transmitter Licensing and Requirement for Licensing through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Ch. 710 Establishment of License and Renewal Fees and Application Requirements for Maine’s Payroll Processor Licensing and Requirement for Licensing Through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Ch. 711 Establishment of License and Renewal Fees and Application Requirements for Maine’s Supervised Lenders and Requirement for Licensing of All Supervised Lenders Through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Ch. 712 Establishment of License and Renewal Fees and Application Requirements for Maine’s Foreclosure Purchaser Licensing Ch. 713 Establishment of Registration and Renewal Fees and Application Requirements for Maine’s Guaranteed Asset Protection Waiver Administrators and Requirement for Registration Through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Ch. 714 Establishment of Registration and Renewal Fees and Registration Requirements for Maine Legal Funding Providers Ch. 715 Establishment of Registration and Renewal Fees and Registration Requirements for Maine Residential Real Estate Settlement Agency Registration and Requirement for Registration Through the Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) 02 031 Bureau of Insurance Ch. 130 Minimum Reserve Standards for Individual and Group Health Insurance Contracts Ch. 135 Employee Benefit Excess Insurance Ch. 140 Advertisement of Health Insurance Ch. 160 Eligible Surplus Lines Insurers Ch. 165 Prudential Standards of Domestic Risk Retention Groups Ch. 170 Classification of Private Passenger Automobiles Used in Car Pools Ch. 175 "Private Passenger Motor Vehicle" Definition for Rental Vehicle Coverage Ch. 180 Insurance Holding Company System Model Rule Ch. 191 Health Maintenance Organizations Ch. 200 Non-Profit Hospital or Medical Services Organizations Ch. 210 Standards for Pharmacy Benefits Managers Ch. 220 Credit Life and Health Insurance Ch. 231 Certificates of Authority for Insurance Companies Ch. 235 Annual Audited Financial Reports Ch. 240 Life Insurance Solicitation and Cost Disclosure Regulation Ch. 245 Military Life Insurance and Annuity Sales Practices Ch. 250 Requirements of Eligibility to Self-Insure Workers' Compensation Benefits Ch. 260 Insurance Inspection Services - Limitation of Liability Ch. 270 Medicare Supplement Insurance (Prior to 1-1-92) Ch. 275 Medicare Supplement Insurance Ch. 280 Group Health Contracts Conversion Rule (Policies issued before July 1, 1985) Ch. 281 Group Health Contracts Conversion Rule (Policies issued after July 1, 1985) Ch. 300 Variable Life Insurance Rule Ch. 310 Variable Annuity Rule Ch. 320 Minimum Standards for Alcoholism and Drug Dependency Benefits Ch. 330 Minimum Standards for Mental Illness Benefits Ch. 340 Mortality Tables for Determining Minimum Reserves and Nonforfeiture Benefits Ch. 350 Rules of Practice and Procedure Governing Adjudicatory Proceedings Ch. 355 Rules of Practice and Procedure Governing Adjudicatory Proceedings Held under the Maine Property And Automobile Insurance Cancellation Control Acts Ch. 360 Requirements Applicable to Preferred Provider Arrangements Ch. 365 Standards for Independent Dispute Resolution of Emergency Medical Service Bills Ch. 370 Group Legal Services Insurance Ch. 375 Group Property and Casualty Insurance Ch. 380 Provider Profiling Disclosures Ch. 391 Motor Vehicle Insurance Identification Cards Ch. 400 Requirements Relating to Authorized Insurers Terminating or Modifying an Existing Certificate of Authority (Maine) Ch. 420 Nursing Home Care Insurance and Long-Term Care Insurance Ch. 425 Long-Term Care Insurance Ch. 440 Plan of Operation for the Worker's Compensation Residual Market Mechanism Ch. 450 Workers' Compensation Insurance - Experience Rating Ch. 460 Workers' Compensation Insurance Statistical Recording and Reporting Ch. 470 Workers' Compensation Insurance Premium Audit and Adjustment Ch. 490 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Medical and Lifestyle Standards Rule Ch. 530 Provisional Medical or Disability Payments to Workers' Compensation Claimants Ch. 540 Premium Trust Account Fiduciary Duties Ch. 542 Educational Requirements for Insurance Professionals Ch. 545 Producer and Business Entity License and Appointment Fees Ch. 550 Calculation of Premium for Interstate Workers' Compensation Insurance Risks and Rate Filing Requirements Ch. 560 Worker's Compensation Insurance - Employee Leasing Ch. 570 Guaranty Association Lines of Credit Ch. 580 Third-Party Notice of Cancellation (formerly Organic Brain Disease) Ch. 585 Life Insurance Third-Party Notice of Cancellation; Rights of Reinstatement for Individuals Afflicted with Cognitive Impairment or Functional Incapacity Ch. 590 Definition of Total Disability for Purposes of Extension of Benefits Ch. 600 Screening Mammograms Ch. 630 Rural Medical Access Program Ch. 705 Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure Ch. 710 Standards for Determining Whether an Insurance Carrier is in Hazardous Financial Condition Ch. 730 Standards for Acceptance of Reinsurance of Worker's Compensation Self-Insurance Ch. 735 Term and Universal Life Insurance Reserve Financing Ch. 740 Credit for Reinsurance Ch. 745 Individual Health Insurance Pilot Projects for Persons under 30 Years of Age Ch. 750 Standardized Health Plans (repealed; see Ch. 191) Ch. 755 Health Insurance Classifications, Disclosure, and Minimum Standards Ch. 760 Life and Health Reinsurance Agreements Ch. 765 Health Insurance Emergency Planning and Procedures Ch. 770 Workers Compensation Insurance: Professional Hockey Players Ch. 780 Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum Ch. 790 Procedures for Resolving Coordination of Benefits Disputes Ch. 825 Procedures and Standards for Obtaining a Hardship Exemption from Submitting Electronic Health Claims Ch. 830 Valuation of Life Insurance Policies Ch. 835 Dental Insurance Plan Loss Ratio Reporting Ch. 840 Private Purchasing Alliances Ch. 845 Standards for Minimum Interest Payments to Health Care Providers on Overdue Claims Ch. 850 Health Plan Accountability Ch. 851 Clear Choice Designs for Individual and Small Group Health Plans Ch. 855 Health Insurance Payment Reform Pilot Projects Ch. 856 Combination of the Individual and Small Business Health Insurance Risk Pools Ch. 857 Small Business Health Insurance Premium Support Program Ch. 860 Alien Insurers; Port of Entry Ch. 865 Standards for Fertility Coverage Ch. 870 Health Care Practitioner Self-Referrals Ch. 880 Sale of Insurance Products by Financial Institutions and Supervised Lenders (Ch. 880 is a Joint Rule with 02-029 Ch.139 and 02-030 Ch.400) Ch. 890 Consumer Complaint Ratios Ch. 900 Large Commercial Risks Ch. 910 Life Insurance Illustrations Ch. 915 Annuity Disclosure Ch. 917 Suitability in Annuity Transactions Ch. 919 Life Insurance and Annuities Replacement Ch. 920 Reporting of Fraudulent Insurance Acts Ch. 931 Viatical and Life Settlements Ch. 940 Requirements for Health Insurance Rate Filings and Data Reporting Ch. 942 Rating Factors and Loss Ratio Requirements for Health Plans Ch. 945 Annual Report Supplement for Health Insurers Ch. 950 Navigator Certification and Training for Health Benefit Marketplaces Ch. 960 Hurricane Deductibles Ch. 980 Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information 02 032 Office of Securities (formerly with 02-029, Bureau of Banking) Ch. 504 Broker-Dealer and Agent Licensing Ch. 506 Financial Institutions and Broker-Dealers Engaging in Third Party Brokerage Arrangements (Ch. 506 is a Joint Rule with 02-029 Ch. 129) Ch. 507 Licensing Exemption for Certain Foreign Broker-Dealers Ch. 510 Broker-Dealers, Investment Advisers, and Others Using the Internet for General Dissemination of Information about Securities Products and Services Ch. 511 Change of Ownership or Control of a Broker-Dealer or Investment Adviser Ch. 512 Prohibition Against Use of Misleading Senior Designations Ch. 515 Investment Adviser Licensing Ch. 516 Definition of Client for Purposes of Investment Adviser Licensing and Notice Filing by Federal Covered Investment Advisers Ch. 523 Rule Regarding Short-Form Seed Capital Registrations Fund-ME Offering Circular Subscription Agreement Ch. 525 Rule Regarding Small Company Offering Registrations Ch. 527 Federal Regulation Crowdfunding Notice Filing and Fees Ch. 528 Federal "Regulation A" Tier 2 Notice Filings and Fees Ch. 532 Securities Offerings on the Internet Ch. 533 Maine Issuer Notification of Exemption Form Ch. 534 Limited Private Offering Exemptions; Purchasers Present in This State and Single Issue Ch. 536 Securities Manuals Ch. 537 Exemption for Offers and Sales to Accredited Investors Ch. 538 Exemption for Offers and Sales to the Finance Authority of Maine Ch. 539 Offers and Sales of Viatical or Life Settlement Contracts Ch. 540 Adjudicatory Proceedings Rule Ch. 541 Initial and Annual Renewal Fees Ch. 542 Model Rescission Offer Forms 02 035 Maine Athletic Commission (Repealed) 02 039 Real Estate Commission Ch. 300 General Information Ch. 310 Advisory Rulings Ch. 340 Complaints and Investigations Ch. 350 Adjudicatory Hearings Ch. 360 Prerequisites of Licensure by Individuals Ch. 370 Continuing Education Ch. 390 Licensing Procedures and Requirements Ch. 400 Agency/Designated Broker Responsibilities Ch. 410 Minimum Standards of Practice Real Estate Brokerage Relationships Form (in Adobe Acrobat - .pdf) 02 041 Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation (OPOR) (formerly Office of Licensing and Registration) Board Fees and General Procedures: Ch. 10 Establishment of License Fees Ch. 11 Late Renewals Ch. 13 Uniform Rule for the Substantiation of Continuing Education Requirements Barbering and Cosmetology Licensing Program: Ch. (All) (All current rule chapters cosolidated into one file) Charitable Solicitations Act: Ch. 1 Registration Applications and Financial Statements Ch. 2 Annual Fundraising Activity Reports Ch. 3 Enforcement and Disciplinary Procedures Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Program: Ch. 1 Definitions Ch. 2 Variances Ch. 3 Board Meetings Ch. 4 Advisory Rulings Ch. 11 National Codes Applicable to Boilers and Pressure Vessels Ch. 12 Power Boilers Ch. 13 Low Pressure Boilers Ch. 14 Pressure Vessels Ch. 15 Repairs and Alterations Ch. 21 Duties and Responsibilities of All Owners of Boilers and Pressure Vessels Ch. 31 Inspectors Ch. 32 Boiler Operators and Stationary Steam Engineers Elevator and Tramway Safety Program: Ch. 501 Definitions Ch. 503 Variances Ch. 507 Advisory Rulings Ch. 511 National Codes Applicable to Elevators and Tramways Ch. 513 Elevators Ch. 515 Tramways Ch. 521 Elevator Owners' Duties and Responsibilities Ch. 523 Tramway Owners' Duties and Responsibilities Ch. 531 Licensed Private Elevator Inspectors Ch. 533 Licensed Private Tramway Inspectors Ch. 535 Licensed Wire Rope Inspectors> Ch. 537 Licensed Elevator Mechanics Ch. 539 Licensed Lift Mechanics Ch. 541 Elevator Contractors American Sign Language Interpreters: Ch. (All) (All current rule chapters cosolidated into one file) Massage Therapists: Ch. 100 Definitions Ch. 200 General Information Ch. 300 Licensure/Registration Requirements Ch. 400 Complaints and Investigations 02 070 State Board of Certification for Geologists and Soil Scientists Ch. 1 Definitions Ch. 2 General Information Ch. 3 Code of Ethics Ch. 4 Certification Requirements Ch. 5 Fees IMPORTANT: Click here to view a special notice regarding Ch. 5. Ch. 6 Complaints, Investigations and Adjudicatory Hearings 02 164 Board of Hearing Aid Dealers and Fitters (absorbed by 02-643, Board of Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology, and Hearing Aid Dealing and Fitting, which see) 02 174 Board of Boilers and Pressure Vessels (repealed; rule chapters moved to 02-041) 02 265 Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (repealed; rule chapters moved to 02-041) 02 280 Board of Accountancy Ch. (All) (All current rule chapters consolidated into one file) 02 285 State Board of Veterinary Medicine Ch. 1 Definitions and Advisory Rulings Ch. 2 Licensure Requirements for Veterinarians and Permit for Performance of Relief Veterinary Service Ch. 3 Registration Requirements for Veterinary Technicians Ch. 4 Continuing Professional Education for Veterinarians Ch. 5 Standards for Veterinary Practice Facilities and Record Keeping Ch. 6 Enforcement and Disciplinary Procedures Ch. 7 Code of Ethics 02 287 Arborist Examining Board (Note: the board was repealed and its regulatory authority transferred to 01-001, Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources, effective September 18, 1999. The rule chapters were renumbered and relocated to 01-001, Ch. 751 - 754.) 02 288 Maine State Board for Licensure of Architects, Landscape Architects and Interior Designers Ch. (All) (All current rule chapters consolidated into one file) (Rule Ch. 15, which is included in the longer document that is accessible via the above link, is repealed.) Ch. 12-A Licensure by Endorsement - Architects (New) 02 295 Board of Commercial Driver Education (Moved to 29-295 under the Department of Secretary of State) 02 296 Board of Examiners on Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (absorbed by 02-643, Board of Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology, and Hearing Aid Dealing and Fitting, which see) 02 297 Board of Chiropractic Licensure Ch. 1 Definitions Ch. 2 General Provisions Ch. 3-A Licensure Requirements for Chiropractic Doctors and Temporary Chiropractic Interns Ch. 4 Requirements for Certifying Chirpractors to Practice Chiropractic Acupuncture Ch. 5 Certification Requirements for Chiropractic Assistants and the Issuance of Temporary Certificates for Chiropractic Assistants Ch. 6 Continuing Professional Education Ch. 7 Enforcement and Disciplinary Procedures Ch. 8 Code of Ethics 02 298 Board of Real Estate Appraisers Ch. 150 Advisory Ruling Ch. 220 Educational Course Requirements Ch. 230 Supervisory Appraiser Duties Ch. 240 Standards of Professional Practice Ch. 250 Denial Appeals; Member Communications 02 302 Board of Licensure of Auctioneers Ch. 10 General Information Ch. 20 Fees IMPORTANT: Click here to view a special notice regarding Ch. 20. Ch. 30 Qualifications for Licensure Ch. 40 Advisory Rulings Ch. 50 Minimum Standards of Practice 02 313 Board of Dental Practice Ch. 1 Definitions Ch. 2 Qualifications for Dental Hygienist Licensure and Dental Hygienist Practice Authorities Ch. 3 Qualifications for Expanded Function Dental Assistant Licensure Ch. 4 Qualifications for Dental Radiography Licensure Ch. 5 Qualifications for Denturist Licensure Ch. 6 Qualifications for Dentist Licensure Ch. 7 Establishment of Fees Ch. 8 Qualifications for Initial and Renewal Registrations Ch. 9 Unprofessional Conduct Ch. 10 Sexual Misconduct Ch. 11 Qualifications for Licensure by Endorsement; Requirements for Renewal, Late Renewal, and Reinstatement of Licensure and Authorities Ch. 12 Practice Requirements Ch. 13 Continuing Education Ch. 14 Rules for Use of Sedation and General Anesthesia Ch. 15 Practice Requirements for Teledentistry Services Ch. 17 Requirements for Establishing a Board Approved Dental Hygiene Therapy Program Ch. 21 Use of Controlled Substances for Treatment of Pain 02 318 Electrician's Examining Board Ch. 100 Definitions Ch. 110 Conflict of Interest Ch. 115 Advisory Rulings Ch. 120 Electrical Installation Standards Ch. 130 Examination and Licensing Requirements Ch. 135 Electrical Permits Ch. 150 Reciprocity Ch. 160 Power Generation Systems as Electrical Installations Ch. 180 Licensure by Endorsement 02 322 State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers Ch. 1 Rules of State Board of Professional Engineers Ch. 2 Licensure Ch. 3 Rules of Practice Ch. 4 Code of Ethics Ch. 5 Application and Licensure Fees Ch. 6 Advisory Ruling 02 331 State Board of Funeral Service Ch. (All) (All current rule chapters consolidated into one file) Ch. 16 attachment: Maine Mortuary Trust Agreement - Credit for Service Ch. 16 attachment: Maine Mortuary Trust Agreement - Existing Life Insurance Ch. 16 attachment: Maine Mortuary Trust Agreement - Guaranteed Service 02 333 Board of Licensure of Foresters Ch. 20 General Information Ch. 30 Advisory Rulings Ch. 40 Educational Qualifications for Issuance of an Intern Forester License Ch. 70 Licensure as Forester Ch. 70-A Licensure by Endorsement Ch. 80 Continuing Forestry Education Ch. 90 Registration of Foresters for the Supervision of Unlicensed Personnel Ch. 100 Code of Ethics 02 343 Board of Respiratory Care Practitioners Ch. 1 Definitions Ch. 2 Advisory Rulings Ch. 3 License Requirements for Respiratory Care Practitioners Ch. 6 Code of Ethics Ch. 7 Misconduct 02 344 Board of Licensing of Dietetic Practice Ch. 1 General Information Ch. 2 Rules for Licensing of Dietetic Practice IMPORTANT: Click here to view a special notice regarding Ch. 2. Ch. 3 Complaints and Investigations Ch. 4 Code of Ethics 02 360 Board of Licensure for Professional Land Surveyors Ch. 10 Definitions Ch. 20 General Information Ch. 30 Advisory Rulings Ch. 40 Qualification for Licensure as Land-Surveyor-In-Training Ch. 50 Qualification for Licensure as Professional Land Surveyor Ch. 60 Licensure by Comity Ch. 70 Continuing Education Ch. 90 Standards of Practice Ch. 100 Enforcement and Discliplinary Procedures (Repealed) 02 371 Nursing Home Administrators Licensing Board Ch. 1 Definitions (Repealed, 8/27/2024, filing 2024-192 to -201) Ch. 2 Nursing Home Administrators (Repealed, 8/27/2024, filing 2024-192 to -201) Ch. 3 Residential Care Facility Administrators (Repealed, 8/27/2024, filing 2024-192 to -201) Ch. 4 Multi-Level Long Term Care Facility Administrators (Repealed, 8/27/2024, filing 2024-192 to -201) Ch. 5 Licensing (Repealed, 8/27/2024, filing 2024-192 to -201) Ch. 6 Endorsement (Repealed, 8/27/2024, filing 2024-192 to -201) Ch. 7 Temporary Licenses (Repealed, 8/27/2024, filing 2024-192 to -201) Ch. 8 Continuing Education (Repealed, 8/27/2024, filing 2024-192 to -201) Ch. 9 Advisory Rulings (Repealed, 8/27/2024, filing 2024-192 to -201) Ch. 10 Fees (Repealed, 8/27/2024, filing 2024-192 to -201) IMPORTANT: Click here to view a special notice regarding Ch. 10. Ch. 11 Code of Ethics (Repealed, 8/27/2024, filing 2024-192 to -201) Ch. 20-30 Rules of the Nursing Home Administrators Licensing Board 02 373 Board of Licensure in Medicine Ch. 1 Rules Regarding Physicians Ch. 2 Joint Rule Regarding Physician Assistants (a joint rule with 02-383 - Board of Osteopathic Licensure) Ch. 4 Rules for the Issuance of Citations Ch. 5 Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (a joint rule with 02-392 - Board of Pharmacy (Ch. 39)) Ch. 10 Sexual Misconduct (Note: Ch. 10 is a joint rule with 02-383, Board of Osteopathic Licensure.) Ch. 11 Joint Rule Regarding Telehealth Standards of Practice (Note: Ch. 12 is a joint rule with 02-380, State Board of Nursing, and 02-383, Board of Osteopathic Licensure.) Ch. 12 Joint Rule Regarding Office Based Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (Note: Ch. 12 is a joint rule with 02-380, State Board of Nursing, and 02-383, Board of Osteopathic Licensure.) Ch. 21 Use of Controlled Substances for Treatment of Pain (a joint rule with 02-380, State Board of Nursing; 02-383, Board of Osteopathic Licensure); and 02-396, Board of Licensure of Podiatric Medicine) 02 380 State Board of Nursing Ch. 1 Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (jointly with 02-392, Board of Nursing, ch. 39-A) Ch. 3 General Requirements Relating to Licensure Ch. 4 Disciplinary Action and Violations of Law Ch. 5 Regulations Relating to Training Programs and Delegation by Registered Professional Nurses of Selected Nursing Tasks to Certified Nursing Assistants Ch. 6 Regulations Relating to Coordination and Oversight of Patient Care Services by Unlicensed Health Care Assistive Personnel Ch. 7 Regulations for Approval of Prelicensure Nursing Education Programs Ch. 8 Regulations Relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nursing Ch. 9 Advisory Rulings Ch. 10 Regulations Relating to Administration of Intravenous Therapy by Licensed Pratical Nurses and Registered Professional Nurses Ch. 11 Joint Rule Regarding Telehealth Standards of Practice (Note: Ch. 12 is a joint rule with 02-373, Board of Licensure in Medicine, and 02-383, Board of Osteopathic Licensure.) Ch. 12 Joint Rule Regarding Office Based Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (Note: Ch. 12 is a joint rule with 02-373, Board of Licensure in Medicine, and 02-383, Board of Osteopathic Licensure.) Ch. 13 Criminal History Record Information Ch. 21 Use of Controlled Substances for Treatment of Pain (a joint rule with 02-373, Board of Licensure in Medicine; 02-383, Board of Osteopathic Licensure; and 02-396, Board of Licensure of Podiatric Medicine) 02 381 Oil and Solid Fuel Board (absorbed by 02-658, Maine Fuel Board, which see) 02 382 State Board of Optometry Ch. 1 Examination; Approved Schools; License Renewal; Fees; Continuing Education Ch. 2 Rules of Practice Ch. 3 Enforcement, Disciplinary Procedures, and Appeals 02 383 Board of Osteopathic Licensure Ch. 2 Joint Rule Regarding Physician Assistants (with 02-373 - Board of Licensure in Medicine) Ch. 3 Rules for Physician Supervision of Physician Extenders Ch. 10 Sexual Misconduct (Note: Ch. 10 is a joint rule with 02-373, Board of Licensure in Medicine.) Ch. 11 Joint Rule Regarding Telehealth Standards of Practice (Note: Ch. 11 is a joint rule with 02-373, Board of Licensure in Medicine, and 02-380, State Board of Nursing.) Ch. 12 Joint Rule Regarding Office Based Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (Note: Ch. 12 is a joint rule with 02-373, Board of Licensure in Medicine, and 02-380, State Board of Nursing.) Ch. 14 Continuing Medical Education Ch. 16 Prescribing and Treatment for Self and Family Members Ch. 17 Physician / Physician Assistant - Patient Boundaries - Gifts Ch. 19 Physician Schedule for License Renewal Ch. 20 Medical Liability Demonstration Project - Anesthesiology Specialty Practice / Risk Protocol (repealed by operation of law) Ch. 21 Use of Controlled Substances for Treatment of Pain (a joint rule with 02-373, Board of Licensure in Medicine; 02-380, State Board of Nursing; and 02-396, Board of Licensure of Podicatric Medicine) Ch. 22 Medical Liability Demonstration Project - Emergency Medicine Specialty Practice / Risk Protocol(repealed by operation of law) Ch. 24 Medical Liability Demonstration Project - Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialty Practice / Risk Protocol(repealed by operation of law) Ch. 26 Medical Liability Demonstration Project - Radiology Specialty Practice Parameters and Risk Management(repealed by operation of law) 02 384 State Board of Alcohol and Drug Counselors Ch. 1 Definitions Ch. 2 Advisory Rulings Ch. 3 Requirements for Registration as an Alcohol and Drug Counseling Aide (ADCA) Ch. 4 Requirements for Licensure as a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) Ch. 5 Requirements for Licensure as a Licensed Alcohol an Drug Counselor (LADC) Ch. 6 Standards for Certification of Clinical Supervisors Ch. 7 Continuing Professional Education for Alcohol and Drug Counselors, Alcohol and Drug Counseling Aides and Certified Clinical Supervisors Ch. 8 Enforcement and Disciplinary Procedures Ch. 9 Code of Ethics 02 385 Manufactured Housing Board Ch. 110 State Certification of Modular Homes Ch. 320 Licensing - Definitions Ch. 331 Fees Ch. 340 Licensing - Licenses Ch. 350 Licensing - Scope of Practice, Obligations of Licensees, Prohibited Practices Ch. 370 Licensing - Complaints and Investigations Ch. 380 Licensing - Adoption of Codes and Standards Ch. 381 Home Installation Warranty Seal Ch. 680 State Administrative Agency - Administration and Responsibilities Ch. 690 State Administrative Agency - Monitoring and Other Fees Ch. 820 Definitions Ch. 830 Licensure of Manufactured Housing Communities Ch. 840 Rules Relating to Drinking Water Systems or Manufactured Housing Communities Ch. 850 Community Licensing - Standards Ch. 860 Inspections and Complaints Ch. 890 Manufactured Home Installation Standards Ch. 900 Used Standard - Installation Ch. 910 Used Standard - Space Requirements Ch. 920 Used Standard - Fire Safety Ch. 930 Used Standard - Body and Frame Requirement Ch. 940 Used Standard - Thermal Protection Ch. 950 Used Standard - Plumbing Systems Ch. 960 Used Standard - Heating and Fuel Burning Systems Ch. 970 Used Standard - Electrical System 02 386 Board of Elevator and Tramway Safety (Note: this board has been repealed; the rule chapters have been relocated to 02-041, Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation (OPOR), above.) 02 387 Maine Pilotage Commission (Note: this Commission has been relocated to 17, Department of Transportation) 02 392 Maine Board of Pharmacy Ch. 1-38 (Current rule chapters consolidated into one file.) (Rule Ch. 36, which is included in the longer document that is accessible via the above link is repealed.) Ch. 39 Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (a joint rule with 02-373, Board of Licensure in Medicine (Ch. 5)) Ch. 39-A Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (jointly with 02-380, Board of Nursing, ch. 1) Ch. 40 Authorization, Training and Procedures for Prescribing and Dispensing Naloxone Hydrochloride Ch. 41 Sales of Nonprescription Drugs through Vending Machine Outlets Ch. 42 Compounding Drugs for Veterinary Office Use 02 393 Board of Examiners in Physical Therapy Ch. 1 Definitions Ch. 2 General Provisions Ch. 3 Licensure Requirements for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants Ch. 4 Standards for Supervision of Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Aides Ch. 5 Enforcement and Disciplinary Procedures Ch. 6 Code of Ethics Ch. 7 Fees 02 395 Plumbers' Examining Board Ch. (All) (All current rule chapters consolidated into one file) Ch. 238 State of Maine Internal Plumbing Code (replaced by Ch. 4) 02 396 Board of Licensure of Podiatric Medicine Ch. 1 Licensing of Podiatrists Ch. 2 Fees IMPORTANT: Click here to view a special notice regarding Ch. 2. Ch. 3 Continuing Education for Podiatrists Ch. 21 Use of Controlled Substances for Treatment of Pain (a joint rule with 02-373, Board of Licensure in Medicine; 02-380, State Board of Nursing; and 02-383, Board of Osteopathic Licensure) 02 415 State Board of Examiners of Psychologists Ch. (All) (All current rule chapters consolidated into one file) 02 416 State Board of Social Worker Licensure Ch. 10 Definitions Ch. 11 Advisory Rulings Ch. 12 Licensure by Endorsement Ch. 13 Licensure Ch. 14 Continuing Professional Education Ch. 15 Scope of Practice Ch. 16 Code of Ethics and Grounds for Discipline Ch. 17 Record Retention Requirements Ch. 18 Telehealth 02 465 Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners Ch. (All) (All current rule chapters consolidated into one file) 02 477 Board of Occupational Therapy Practice Ch. 2 Advisory Rulings Ch. 3 Licensure by Endorsement Ch. 3-A Licensure as a Temporary Licensee, Occupational Therapist or Occupational Therapy Assistant Ch. 4 License Renewal and Continuing Education Requirements; Reinstatement Ch. 5 Role of the Occupational Therapy Assistant, Supervision of Occupational Therapy Assistants and Temporary Licensees Ch. 7 Code of Ethics Ch. 9 Professional Misconduct 02 502 Board of Complementary Health Care Providers (formerly Acupuncture Licensing Board) Ch. 1 Definitions Ch. 2 Advisory Rulings Ch. 3 Licensure Requirement for Acupuncturists Ch. 3-A Certification for the Formulation and Dispensing of Custom-Made Chinese Herbal Formulations Ch. 4 Licensure Requirement for Naturopathic Doctors Ch. 4-A Licensure Requirement for Certified Professional Midwives Ch. 4-B Licensure Requirement for Certified Midwives Ch. 5 Standards for Continuing Professional Education for Acupuncturists, Naturopathic Doctors, Certifiable Professional Midwives and Midwives Ch. 6 Standards Relating to Prescriptive Authorities and Collaborative Relationships Ch. 6-A Standards Relating to Certified Professional Midwives Authority to Obtain and Administer Drugs, Medical Devices and Scope of Practice Ch. 6-B Standards Relating to Certified Midwives' Prescriptive Authority and Scope of Practice Ch. 6-C Standards for Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section (VBAC) Ch. 7 Grounds for Discipline Ch. 8 Code of Ethics Ch. 9 Fees (contents repealed) IMPORTANT: Click here to view a special notice regarding Ch. 9. 02 514 Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure Ch.(All) (All current rule chapters consolidated into one file) Ch. 6-A Licensure by Endorsement(added 4/1/2023) 02 582 Propane and Natural Gas Board (absorbed by 02-658, Maine Fuel Board, which see) 02 643 Board of Speech, Audiology and Hearing Ch. (All) (All current rule chapters consolidated into one file) 02 658 Maine Fuel Board Ch. 1 Definitions Ch. 2 Advisory Rulings Ch. 3 Categories and Responsibilities of Licensure Ch 4 Qualifications for Examinations and Licensure Ch. 5 Use of Other Licensure Authorities Ch. 6 Adoption of Standards Ch. 7 Modifications of Standards Ch. 8 Installation of Oil Burning Equipment (with Appendix) Ch. 9 Installation of Solid Fuel Burning Equipment Ch. 10 Chimneys Ch. 11 Installation of Waste Oil Appliances and Waste Oil Supply Tanks Ch. 12 Permits for Aboveground and Underground Propane and Natural Gas Storage Facilities and Rooftop Installations Ch. 13 Installation of Propane and Natural Gas Burning Equipment Ch. 14 Propane and Natural Gas Containers, Dispensers and Piping (with Appendix)