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Spills & Site Cleanup Monitoring and Reporting

- Hazardous & Oil Spill System Online Report Service - This database may be searched by: spill number, reported date range, location, tank type, and/or keywords. See also Spill Reports search.
- Environmental and Geographic Analysis Database (EGAD) - EGAD (formerly known as the Environmental and Groundwater Analysis Database) is an electronic repository for a wide variety of environmental data. It includes soil, sediment, air and water quality data, as well as spatial data from potential and actual sources of contamination to Maine’s groundwater. It also contains biological and surface water sampling site types, which enables DEP staff to more readily assess the water quality of Maine’s lakes, streams and rivers, and to determine the Class status and non-attainment status of various waterbodies.
- Institutional Controls Database (Database of Remediation Sites) - This database lists current and former sites where the Division of Remediation is overseeing the long-term clean-up of Hazardous Substance releases. These sites include State hazardous substance sites (aka uncontrolled sites), Voluntary Response Action Program (VRAP) sites, Brownfield sites, Military Installations, Superfund sites (aka CERCLA sites), and unlicensed Municipal Landfill sites. The database contains the location of the site, the current status of DEP’s investigation and clean-up, and the status of any Institutional Controls at the site. Detailed information on each site is available at the DEP file Room in Augusta. Note: Until February of 2021, the Administrative Record for Remediation Sites was in paper format. DEP is in the process of transitioning to an electronic Administrative Record for Remediation Sites. During the transition, schedule a review of paper files by contacting the file room. Files that have been converted to electronic format are available in the searchable DocuWare Portal.
For additional information and assistance with Maine DEP Spills & Site Cleanup Monitoring and Reporting, please contact Chris Hopper at (207) 816-0133