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How Do I ...
Land Topics
- How do I find a Permit By Rule application form online and what activities are subject to this process?
- How do I make an environmental complaint or express my concern about a site?
- How do I know what activities are subject to shoreland zoning?
- If I have a Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA) permit, do I still have to get a shoreland zoning permit from my municipality?
- How do I find information about a wind power project or other select Site Location projects currently under review by the DEP?
- How do I file an electronic permit from the land bureau?
- How do I check the status of my permit application?
Water Topics
- How do I determine if a suspicious aquatic plant is an invasive?
- How do I get my well tested to determine if my drinking water is safe? Who do I contact if I have a problem with my drinking water?
- How do I report problems with a septic system?
- How do I report an algal bloom?
- How do I find information about Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae)?
- How do I report a dry well to the Maine Emergency Management Agency?
Sustainability Topics
- How do I clean up a broken compact fluorescent bulb (CFL)?
- How do I dispose of a thermostat that contains mercury?
- How do I dispose of a TV or computer monitor (CRT)?
- How do I help my community reduce the amount of waste we send for disposal?
- How do I find information about the Municipal Recycling Progress Report?
- How do I find information about the Recycling Establishment Report?
- How do I learn about Consolidated Organics Collection?
Waste Topics
- How do I report an oil spill? Do all spills need to be reported?
- How do I clean up a broken compact fluorescent bulb (CFL)?
- How do I dispose of a thermostat that contains mercury?
- How do I dispose of a TV or computer monitor (CRT)?
- How do I use fireworks in a safe way that minimizes environmental impacts?
- How do I help my community reduce the amount of waste we send for disposal?
Spills Topics
- How do I report an oil spill? Do all spills need to be reported?
- How do I clean up a broken compact fluorescent bulb (CFL)?
- How do I dispose of a thermostat that contains mercury?
Air Topics
- How do I find information on indoor air quality including radon or mold?
- How do I find information about new requirements for aftermarket catalytic converters?
Assistance Topics
- How do I find out if my business or development activity requires a permit?
- How do I find a Permit By Rule application form online and what activities are subject to this process?
- How do I self-disclose an activity I may not be in full compliance with?
- How do I know if I'm in full compliance with environmental regulations?