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Land Programs
Erosion & Sedimentation Control - This program requires basic controls and site stabilization when a project involves filling, displacing, or exposing earthen material. No permit is required. The law sets a minimum across-the-board standard that helps prevent harm to surface waters.
Hydropower & Dams - Information on licensing of hydropower and non-hydropower projects, and response to petitions to set water levels or provide release from dam ownership.
Mining - This program regulates larger gravel pits, quarries, clay and topsoil mining operations, and metallic mineral mining and advanced exploration.
Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA) - This program regulates activities in, on, over or adjacent to natural resources such as lakes, wetlands, streams/rivers, fragile mountain areas, and sand dune systems. The program uses permit by rule (PBR) for certain classes of activity. Standards to be met focus on the possible impacts to the resources and to existing uses.
Shoreland Zoning - This program is primarily administered through municipalities, and involves the regulation of activities in the shoreland zone.
Site Location of Development - This program regulates developments that may have a substantial impact on the environment, as provided in law. Examples: large subdivisions, structures, and 20 acre plus developments. Standards address a range of potential environmental impacts.
Solar Decommissioning - Maine law requires developers of solar power projects that occupy 3 or more acres to have an approved decommissioning plan and accompanying financial assurance sufficient to cover the cost decommissioning as outlined in the plan.
Stormwater - There are multiple laws and regulations that work toward protecting and restoring surface water and groundwater affected by stormwater flows. Some aspects of stormwater runoff can be addressed in various DEP laws, including the Site Location of Development Act, the Stormwater Management Law, and the Waste Discharge Law. Other aspects of stormwater runoff can be addressed under activity specific laws, like the borrow pit or solid waste laws, or through laws administered by the Land Use Planning Commission.
Watershed Management - Watershed management focuses on land use activities throughout a watershed with the goal of preventing polluted runoff from reaching surface water.
Wind Energy Developments - This program regulates wind energy projects under the Maine Wind Energy Act to encourage the appropriate development of projects in Maine.