Home → Water Quality → Contacts
Water Contacts
The "on-call" system. If you have a question relating to permitting or licensing, enforcement, or general questions related to water quality, please call your nearest regional DEP office, describe your question to the receptionist, and ask to speak to the "on-call" person.
Most questions can be answered by the person on-call. If the on-call person needs assistance, he or she may speak to another staff person and get back to you, or refer you directly to another staff person. Sometimes the "on-call" person may already be helping someone else when you call. If so, he or she will call you back.
Office numbers
- Augusta (Central Maine Regional Office): 207-287-7688; 800-452-1942
- Bangor (Eastern Maine Regional Office): 207-941-4570; 888-769-1137
- Portland (Southern Maine Regional Office): 207-822-6300; 888-769-1036
- Presque Isle (Northern Maine Regional Office): 207-764-0477; 888-769-1053
Contact numbers
(The area code for Maine is 207)
- Bureau Director - Brian Kavanah 530-0293
- Aquaculture licensing - Laura Crossley 615-6711
- Aquatic pesticide licensing - Laura Crossley 615-6711
- Algal bloom -- how to report an algal bloom
- Beaches (Maine Healthy Beaches) - Alex Dyer 530-2518
- Biological monitoring -- see biological monitoring page
- Boat inspectors -- where to go if interested in becoming an inspector
- Boat pump-out information and grants - Pam Parker 485-3038
- Classification of Maine waters - Meagan Sims 508-8776
- CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) licensing - Laura Crossley 615-6711
- Children's Water Festival - Beth Chase 592-6157
- Combined sewer overflow - Michael Riley 719-0809
- Commercial passenger vessels - Pam Parker 485-3038
- Dioxin monitoring - Tom Danielson 441-7430
- Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) (water quality issues) - Laura Crossley 615-6711
- Network Discharge Monitoring Report, NetDMR - Judy Bruenjes 287-7806
- Engineering (grants and loans) - Brandy Piers 287-6093
- Environmental Assessment (Division Director) - Wendy Garland 615-2451
- Environmental & Geographic Analysis Database - see EGAD contact page
- Floor drains - Nathan Durant 242-3483
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - Becky Schaffner 441-2773
- Groundwater (monitoring and assessment) - John Hopeck 215-4463
- Hatcheries (wastewater licensing) - Laura Crossley 615-6711
- Industrial Pretreatment Program - Bradley Kelso 441-4692
- Invasive aquatic plants - John McPhedran 215-9863
- Lakes (monitoring and assessment) - See the Lakes Page.
- Legislation (general) - Mark Margerum 287-7842
- Marine Vegetation Mapping – Cheyenne Adams 352-8508
- Marine waters (monitoring and assessment) - Angela Brewer 592-2352
- Mercury amalgam separator systems - Holly Ireland 451-2286
- Multi-sector industrial stormwater general permit - Holliday Keen 242-4649
- Municipal separate stormwater sewer systems (MS4) - Holliday Keen 242-4649
- No discharge areas (NDAs) - Pam Parker 485-3038
- Non-point source pollution control grants - Alex Wong 694-9533
- O&M News newsletter - David Madore 287-5842
- Operator certification - Judy Bruenjes 287-7806
- Overboard discharges - Irene Saumur 485-2404
- Permit/license assistance (industrial stormwater and MS4) - Holliday Keen 242-4649
- Permit/license assistance (wastewater) - Laura Crossley 615-6711
- Priority watershed program - Alex Wong 694-9533
- Policy & procedures - Mark Margerum 287-7842
- Rivers (monitoring and assessment) - Robert Mohlar 592-1439
- Rivers (modelling and data reports) - Robert Mohlar 592-1439
- Salmon (habitat water quality)- Emily Zimmermann 446-1003
- Sand/salt piles -Nathan Durant 242-3483
- Small community grants - Brandy Piers 287-6093
- State revolving loan fund, Construction Grants -Brandy Piers 287-6093
- Surface water ambient toxics monitoring - Tom Danielson 441-7340
- Sustainable water use - Mark Margerum 287-7842
- TMDLs - Tracy Krueger 215-6851
- Underground injection control - Laura Crossley 615-6711
- Volunteer River Monitoring Program (VRMP) - Kristin Feindel 215-3461
- Wastewater dischargers - Technical assistance and compliance - Judy Bruenjes 287-7806
- Water Quality Management (Division Director) - Gregg Wood 287-7693
- Water quality standards and criteria - Meagan Sims 508-8776
- Watershed planning - Jeff Dennis 215-6376
- Watershed protection grants - Alex Wong 694-9533
- Watershed Surveys - Alex Wong 694-9533