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Land Permits, Licenses, Certifications
The Land Bureau is currently developing an online licensing system which will be applicable for all Land licenses.
Permit Applications – Email Filing Only
All applications filed with the Bureau of Land Resources must be filed by email. If you are unable to file an application by email and would like to discuss an alternative, you may contact Mark Stebbins, Mark.N.Stebbins@maine.gov or 207-592-4810. Do not email your application to an individual staff member.
PBR notifications or MCGP NOIs
Maine DEP can accept online credit card payments through a Credit Card Payment Portal. Please note: The portal can only accept credit card payments of $1,000 or less; however, there is no limit on payments by electronic check. Also, the servicer of the portal charges a $2 transaction fee. See the Payment Portal for more details.
Hydropower & Dams - The Maine Waterway Development and Conservation Act (MWDCA) requires that a permit be issued for the construction, reconstruction, or structural alteration (including maintenance and repair) of new or existing hydropower projects. The Federal Clean Water Act requires that the States certify that the construction or operation of hydropower projects subject to federal licensing meets State water quality standards.
Mining - This program regulates larger gravel pits, quarries, and clay and topsoil mining operations. For metallic mineral mining, see Site Location of Development.
Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA) - This program regulates activities in, on, over or adjacent to natural resources such as lakes, wetlands, streams/rivers, fragile mountain areas, and sand dune systems. Standards to be met focus on the possible impacts to the resources and to existing uses. On the NRPA page you will find information on:
- Permit by Rule
- Sand Dune Systems
- Significant Groundwater Wells
- Significant Wildlife Habitat
- Vernal Pools
- Wetlands
Site Location of Development - This program regulates developments that may have a substantial impact on the environment, as provided in law. Examples: large subdivisions, structures, 20 acre plus developments, and metallic mineral mining operations. Standards address a range of potential environmental impacts.
Solar Decommissioning - Maine law requires developers of solar power projects that occupy 3 or more acres to have an approved decommissioning plan and accompanying financial assurance sufficient to cover the cost decommissioning as outlined in the plan.
Stormwater - The Maine Stormwater Program includes the regulation of stormwater under three core laws: The Site Location of Development law (Site Law), Stormwater Management Law, and Waste Discharge Law (MEPDES). Aspects of stormwater are also addressed under industry specific laws such as the borrow pit and solid waste laws, and the rules administered by the Land Use Planning Commission.
Contractor Certification - Any individual who is involved with soil disturbance activity including filling, excavation, landscaping, and other earthwork can earn certification in erosion and sedimentation control. To perform work in the Shoreland zone, a contractor must be certified. For initial certification, attendance at one 8-hour training course and the successful completion of a construction site evaluation is required.
Pre-application & Pre-submission Meetings
Contacts to schedule a pre-application meeting are:
- Bangor office: Jessica Damon, Jessica.Damon@maine.gov
- Augusta office: Robert Green, Robert.l.Green@maine.gov
- Portland Office: Alison Sirois, Alison.Sirois@maine.gov