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Waste Management Contacts
To Report Oil Spills call (24 hours) 1-800-482-0777
To Report Hazardous Materials Spills call (24 hours) 800-452-4664
For general questions or if you are unsure of the specific staff contact, please call your nearest regional DEP office and describe your question or issue to the receptionist
- Bureau Director - Susanne Miller 557-2700
- Deputy Bureau Director - Victoria Eleftheriou 530-4037
- Aboveground Tanks: Fire Marshall 207-626-3800 (first), Racheal French 481-6860
- Aerosol Cans: Cherrie Plummer 830-1772
- Antifreeze; Hazardous Waste: Cherrie Plummer 830-1772
- Arsenic: DHHS 866-292-3474
- Asbestos/Lead: Sandy Moody, 242-0877
- Automotive Recycling: vacant
- Batteries - automotive: vacant
- Batteries - consumer: Courtney Hafner 314-3357
- Beverage Container (Bottle Bill) Redemption Program: Elena Bertocci 557-3218
- Biomedical: Eric Hamlin 822-6344
- Board of Underground Tank Installers Program: Theresa Scott 287-7169
- Building Demolition: Sandy Moody (Lead/Asbestos group) 242-0877
- Chemist: Kelly Perkins 641-9150
- Composting and organics management: Mark A. King 592-0455
- Computer Monitor Disposal: Haz. Waste Group - Cherrie Plummer 830-1772
- Darkroom Chemicals:Cherrie Plummer 830-1772
- Dental Compliance: Eric Hamlin 822-6344
- Dumps: see Solid Waste
- EGAD: Robert Leighton 446-8623 or John Lynam 446-7957
- Electronics Recycling: Andrew Pomiak 955-0858
- EPA ID #: Cherrie Plummer or Jamie Hoover 287-7688
- Environmental Fees for Fuel: Melissa Morrill 287-6102
- Environmental Leader Initiative: Julie Churchill 287-7881
- Fluorescent Lights - businesses:Cherrie Plummer 830-1772
- Fluorescent Lights - households: Cherrie Plummer 830-1772
- Groundwater Questions:Chris Evans 441-5181, or Sean Dougherty 441-7159
- Hazardous Waste Transporter: Dan Wehr, Jamie Hoover or Cherrie Plummer 287-7688
- Hazardous Waste:Cherrie Plummer 830-1772
- Hazardous Waste Manifests: Jennifer D’Appollonio 360-9237
- Household Hazardous Waste: Eric Hamlin 822-6344
- Junk Yards/Mercury Switches: Courtney Hafner 314-3357
- Junk Yards: Town office or local solid waste personnel for Town
- Laboratory methods for analyzing soil or water: Kelly Perkins 287-7878
- Landfill Closures:Matt Young 215-7841
- Landfill Gas/EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program: Kathy Tarbuck 458-9074
- Lead: See Asbestos/Lead
- Leaking Underground Oil Storage Tanks (UST) Sites: Molly King 458-8839
- Leaking Underground Oil Storage Tanks (UST) Sites by Regions:
- Central Maine Regional Office - Jon Woodard 287-3692
- Eastern Maine Regional Office - Bob Shannon 941-4592
- Northern Maine Regional Office - Jesse Clark 760-3138
- Southern Maine Regional Office - Greg O'Brien 446-9885
- Maine Provisional ID #: Dan Wehr, Jamie Hoover or Cherrie Plummer 287-7688
- Manure: Department of Agriculture 287-3871
- Mercury Thermostats: Courtney Hafner 314-3357
- Mercury Elemental: Response Services 287-7688
- Mercury Products notification and labeling: Courtney Hafner 314-3357
- Mold: DHHS, Maine CDC Judy Gopaul 287-7333
- Non Hazardous Manifests: Jane LaPierre 441-8450
- Oil Contaminated Soil Cleanup: Molly King 458-8839
- Old Pesticides: Department of Agriculture Conservation and Forestry 287-2731
- Paint Recycling: Courtney Hafner 314-3357
- Petroleum Terminals: Jamie Hoover 287-6113 or Dan Wehr 287-3547
- Petroleum (MTBE) questions: Sean Dougherty 441-7159. For site specific: contact applicable Regional Office
- Pressure Treated Lumber: Solid Waste (by town) 287-7688
- Priority Toxic Chemical Use Reduction: Kerri Farris 215-1894
- Product Stewardship Program: Brian Beneski 592-0248
- Recycling: Brian Beneski 592-0248
- Residuals, Sludge, Septage, and Composting: Margaret Watson-Pierce 242-0383
- Safer Chemicals Program: Kerri Farris 215-1894
- Small Business Assistance Program: Julie Churchill 287-7881
- Solid Waste: Eric Hamlin 822-6344
- Special Waste - Solid Waste group (check by town for staff person) 287-7688
- Tank Registration Database: File Room 287-7843
- Tankers: Jamie Hoover 530-2407
- Tires: Eric Hamlin 822-6344
- Toxicologist: DHHS 866-292-3474
- Transfer Station Training: Randee McDonald 451-2554
- Underground Tank Registration: Dan Wehr 287-3547 or Jamie Hoover 530-2407
- Underground Tank Questions: Butch Bowie, Amanda Braley, Kailee Mullen, Nhu Vo or Jay Sequeira 287-7688
- Underground Tank Billing: Gail Smith 287-7759
- Universal Waste: Cherrie Plummer 287-7882 or Hazardous Waste Staff 287-7688
- Waste Oil: Jamie Hoover 530-2407