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Federal Facilities and Superfund Programs
Federal Facilities refer to those remediation sites in Maine that are currently or formerly owned by the Federal government or are on EPA’s National Priorities List or NPL sites (generally known as superfund sites). Superfund sites are cleaned up according to the regulations set forth in the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). Maine DEP is a co-regulator with EPA on Superfund sites. Maine DEP is the lead regulator on non-NPL Federal Facilities sites. Non-NPL federal facility sites typically include Formerly Utilized Defense Sites (FUDS) which were owned or operated by the US Department of Defense prior to October 17, 1986. Non-NPL Federal Facilities sites also include National Guard sites and sites owned by other Federal agencies such as the US Coast Guard.
Sites currently or formerly owned by the US Department of Defense are managed under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP).
Site List and information
Remediation sites list and Document Portal: This includes Federal Facilities & Superfund Sites. As well as a Document Portal that contains historic records on the sites that have been handled by the Division of Remediation.
File Room Search: If you’re having trouble locating information on a site, check out the File Room to see if we have physical documentation on it.
DEP GIS Federal Facilities and Superfund Sites location: Check out the “Remediation Sites (Institutional Controls) Database”
Guidance resources and memos
Laws and Links
Superfund: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA overview)
Cleanups at Federal Facilities (Military Sites)
Department of Defense Environmental Restoration Laws
Department of Defense Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Network and Information Exchange