Certification in Erosion Control Practices

Maine DEP Certification in Erosion Control Practices began as a voluntary contractor education program in 1997, following the enactment of Maine’s Erosion Control Law. While originally intended for contractors, the program has expanded to include other individual’s involved with erosion and sediment control such as site inspectors and erosion control plan preparers. The training and certification program is a method to show competency in proper practices and commitment to protecting our natural resources through the use of proper erosion and sedimentation control practices.

How to Get Certified/Recertified/Reinstated in Erosion Control Practices

Several Maine laws now cite the program to demonstrate competency in erosion and sedimentation control. Certification under the program may be required by:

Shoreland Zoning

§439-B. Contractors certified in erosion control (Text of Shoreland Zone Certification requirement)

Shoreland Zoning Regulations require any “contractor” working in the municipal Shoreland Zone must ensure an individual certified in Erosion and Sedimentation Control Practices (ESC) by Maine DEP is present on the site during all phases of soil disturbance, and is responsible for the installation and maintenance of any Best Management Practices (BMPs).

Contact your local Code Enforcement Officer for specific standards and requirements.

Maine Construction General Permit

Construction General Permit, Stormwater Program, Bureaus of Land and Water Quality, Maine Department of Environmental Protection

Projects disturbing over 1 acre are required to file a Notice of Intent to comply with the Maine Construction General Permit (MCGP). Under the MCGP, projects must have key individuals associated with the project Certified in Erosion Control Practices by DEP, including:

  • Operator - any party that has day-to-day operational control of the activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance with the permit conditions.
  • Resident Inspector - a qualified individual representing the operator on the activity site who has a valid Department certification in erosion control practices, or an equivalent certification accepted by the Department.
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Preparer - must be prepared by a professional who has a valid Department certification in erosion control practices, or an equivalent certification accepted by the Department.

Individuals Certified in Erosion Control Practices

List of Individuals Certified in Erosion Control Practices ("Certified Contractors")

Companies Certified in Erosion Control Practices

List of Companies Certified in Erosion Control Practices

A Company Certified in Erosion Control Practices by the Department is one that has taken the extra step to ensure, at a minimum, all its construction site supervisors individually-trained and Certified in Erosion Control Practices by Maine DEP. Companies Certified in Erosion Control Practices must resubmit a current organizational chart with the names of all site supervisors to the Department every three years.

The basic premise in certifying a company in this manner is to ensure that all of the company's construction sites are supervised by an individual that is certified in erosion and sediment control practices.

Companies seeking certification should contact John Maclaine for more information.