An introduction to the HOPE program (YouTube video)
A Program helping Maine families pursue training and education beyond high school and achieve their career plans by addressing barriers to success.
The Higher Opportunity for Pathways to Employment (HOPE) Program is committed to helping you reach your educational goals by helping cover costs related to school. Whether you are seeking a short-term training certificate, or an associate or bachelor's degree, the HOPE Program has the tools and resources to help you.

We Currently Have Openings!
See if you qualify, and learn how to apply!
Connect with HOPE on Facebook
Learn what the HOPE Program has been up to and help us spread the word about HOPE by connecting with HOPE on Facebook.
What Are People Saying About HOPE?
We love to hear from our participants! Here is what HOPE students have to say about the program:
Watch these videos, HOPE Stories - Challa Tekalu (MP4) and HOPE Stories - Justin Barry (MP4), for first hand accounts of the difference HOPE can make.
“I was thinking that oh my goodness, I'm going to have to get a part-time job while going through nursing school and being a mom. How am I going to juggle this?” That is when she was introduced to the Higher Opportunity for Pathways to Employment Program. “She helped me get set up and helped pay for my child care, helped pay for my transportation assistance,” See the whole interview on WMTW.com.
“I don't know who came up with the HOPE program but this program is amazing, everyone involved with it has been beyond helpful and speedy in the time it has taken to get an email, answer or to receive funds… you folks have been over the moon helpful and I don't think I would have made it all the way through my program with such little stress if it wasn't for all of you.”
“Connecting with Give IT Get IT, the HOPE program and others has been such a gift to me in a tough time. I lost my job of over a decade and have no clue what to do now. Prayer has directed me to follow up with my education while my babies are young and better my family’s future with a horizon of opportunities I never would have known to be possible. I am seeing my life in a completely new light."
“[The HOPE Program] helped me make my dreams, and my mother’s, come true all in one. My family has been through a lot to get to this point… I was afraid that I was not going to get there due to financial [reasons], the HOPE program made my dreams possible. Thank you so much.”