OFI 101 and more: Community Partners Education Programs by the Office for Family Independence

OFI offers no-cost webinars for community partners and others who help people navigate the OFI systems for MaineCare, SNAP, and TANF.  We welcome case managers, social workers, community partners, and others who help people navigate the OFI systems for MaineCare, SNAP, and TANF.

OFI 101: MaineCare, SNAP, TANF, and more!

Pre-registration is required. No Continuing Education Units provided.

OFI 101 is an opportunity for case managers, social workers, and other social service providers to get insight into DHHS Office for Family Independence (OFI) programs. Our goal is to improve client access to necessary benefits and help community partners navigate the system more effectively on behalf of their clients, consumers, and participants.

Each discussion will cover:

  • Information about OFI Programs, including MaineCare, SNAP, GA, TANF (including TANF-related programs like Emergency Assistance, Alternative Aid, and Parents as Scholars), and HOPE
  • A broad overview of OFI systems
  • Frequently asked questions about eligibility
  • A walkthrough of the eligibility process from application to decision. Topics covered include:
    • different methods of applying
    • nonfinancial eligibility rules, including how immigration status affects eligibility
    • financial eligibility rules, including how OFI budgets for benefit eligibility and why LIHEAP matters so much for housed people receiving SNAP
    • program timeframes and compliance
  • How to communicate with the Department
  • Question-and-Answer period

Current Webinar Dates:

Webinars will be hosted on the second Friday of every month on Microsoft Teams. Each month the webinar will alternate between morning and afternoon sessions. Click on the link to register. If you have questions or need assistance with registration, email OFI101DHHS@maine.gov




February 14, 2025

10:00am - 12:00pm

Registration Closed

March 14, 2025

2:00pm - 4:00pm 

Register Now

April 11, 2025

10:00am - 12:00pm

Register Now 

May 9, 2025

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Registration coming soon


OFI 201: Noncitizen Policy for OFI Benefits:

OFI 201 is an opportunity to hear an in-depth description of how OFI uses noncitizen status to determine eligibility for SNAP food assistance, MaineCare medical insurance (including State Super Supplement), and TANF cash assistance for families. The goal is to improve access to these necessary benefits by helping our community partners understand and navigate our systems and rules more effectively on behalf of our mutual clients. Note: the content is not intended for benefit participants, and we can't answer questions about specific cases or individuals during the session. 

Each discussion will cover: 

  • How OFI verifies immigration status and what information we share with our federal partners
  • Language Access
  • An overview of the State Super Supplement MaineCare program that provides cash assistance to qualifying noncitizens who are disabled or over age 65
  • A narrative walkthrough of four common immigration statuses and each status's eligibility for OFI Services: Refugees, Lawful Permanent Residents, Visitors, and Asylum Seekers
  • An explanation of conditional eligibility and how work authorization affects SNAP and TANF
  • Ongoing discussion of these topics with your as participants

You can register by selecting the link below and selecting Register. Attendance is limited to 40 people to facilitate discussion and conversation, and we maintain a waitlist. 

March 20, 2025


Register Now

May 6, 2025


Registration Coming Soon

July 8, 2025 


Registration Coming Soon


About the Community Partner Education Program presenters:

Megan Whitney (she/her), Jem Hodsdon, and Sean Emmons (he/him) are Regional Policy Specialists and trainers with the Office for Family Independence (OFI). As members of the Training Unit, Sean, Jem, and Megan provide policy and process support for OFI Eligibility staff. Jem and Sean have decades of experience working directly with unhoused individuals and related programs, and Megan brings experience working with clients and medical providers who are navigating OFI systems. All three also have lived experience with OFI services. These trainers recognize the challenges that service providers face when trying to assist clients and consumers with their benefits. They hope to provide information that helps others navigate the Department’s processes.

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