Volunteer River Monitoring VRMP

Program (VRMP)

Introduction | Program Contact | VRMP Data | Guidance Documents | Volunteer Groups | Other Data | Links


In 2009, the DEP launched a statewide volunteer river monitoring program (VRMP). The VRMP is a network of volunteer groups participating in quality-assured river and stream sampling. The program operates under a program-level Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPP). Individual volunteer groups develop Sampling and Analysis plans to tailor the program-level QAPP to their specific project goals. As part of the program, VRMP staff provide annual trainings and certification, guidance about data quality objectives, technical support and assistance, data storage in DEP's Environmental and Geographic Analysis Database (EGAD), and data reports.

Program Contact

Kristin Feindel (Program Coordinator) - (207) 215-3461
Volunteer River Monitoring Program
Maine DEP
17 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0017


  • VRMP Data Dashboard – Recent data collected by VRMP groups. Map of sites, graphs of results and data by site. Can filter by year, organization, and other attributes.
  • VRMP Annual Data Reports – Summary of program information, parameters collected, sampling locations and results for each organization by sample year, beginning in 2013.

VRMP Monitoring Guidance Documents

Current Volunteer Groups

Contact your local volunteer group to get involved. Field sampling is generally June-September.

Androscoggin River Watershed Council
Upper Androscoggin and Tributaries
Contact: Ferg Lea

Biddeford Conservation Commission
West Brook, Swan Pond Brook, Thatcher Brook, Tributaries to the Saco River
Contact: Erik Heumiller

Friends of Merrymeeting Bay
Lower Androscoggin River, Lower Kennebec River, Merrymeeting Bay
Contact: Ed Friedman

Friends of Scarborough Marsh has merged with Scarborough Land Trust
Scarborough Marsh Tributaries
Contact: Greg Bither

Hallowell Conservation Commission
Vaughn Brook
Contact: Rosemary Presnar

Mousam and Kennebunk Rivers Alliance
Kennebunk and Mousam Rivers and Tributaries
Contact: Betsy Smith

Presumpscot Regional Land Trust
Presumpscot River and Tributaries, Stroudwater River
Contact: Toby Jacobs

Rockport Conservation Commission
Rockport Harbor and Tributaries
Contact: Bill Bow

Skowhegan Conservation Commission
Currier Brook and Whitten Brook
Contact: Tristan Hinkle

Weskeag River Monitoring Project
Weskeag River and Tributaries
Contact: Theo Pratt

Other Data

