Home → Fish & Wildlife → Wildlife → Species Information → Mammals → Raccoon
Procyon lotor
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Lives in deciduous forests, suburbs, agricultural fields, and wetlands.
This omnivore uses its keen sense of touch to feel for food in streams, under logs, etc., and will eat anything edible - from plants and fruit to carrion, fish, shellfish, insects, garbage, and more.
Mostly nocturnal.
Seasonal Changes
Raccoons are active year-round, but during periods of very cold weather they may den up and sleep.
Reproduction & Family Structure
The female makes a den in a tree cavity, where she has two to six young. Sometimes, if she feels threatened, she’ll move her young to a new den site.
Raccoons are susceptible to canine distemper and rabies.
Living with Wildlife
How to Prevent or Resolve Conflicts with Raccoons
Research suggests that humans create the conditions for conflict by deliberately or inadvertently providing animals with food and shelter.
Learn more about how to prevent or resolve conflicts with raccoons