Maine Wildlife
More than Fish and Game
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife was established in 1880 to protect Maine's big game populations. Today, the Department's wildlife division works to preserve, protect, and enhance all of Maine's wildlife resources including nongame wildlife and the state's endangered and threatened species.
Biologists span across the state conducting unique and diverse work to conserve Maine’s wildlife, from the iconic 800+ pound moose to the flying mayfly. The Department protects and enhances wildlife habitat, owns more than 69 wildlife management areas that total over 136,000 acres, and acquires land to protect wildlife resources while allowing access for hunting, trapping, and wildlife watching.
Read on to learn about conservation projects, wildlife, and how you can be involved in this important work.
About Maine's Wildlife
How You Can Help
Live Responsibly with Wildlife
Maine is a beautiful state with an abundance of wildlife. Whether you are spending time in your backyard, hiking, driving down the road, or camping, you are likely to see some critters. After all, Maine is their home, too!
If you encounter wildlife anywhere in the Maine outdoors, remember this motto: If you care, leave them there.
I want to know...
How to avoid or resolve a wildlife conflict What to do about a sick, injured or orphaned animal About common wildlife diseases
Photo: Kiley Briggs, Orianne Society

Participate in a Community Science Project
MDIFW tracks where many of Maine’s priority wildlife species occur. Keeping our databases current is challenging, especially for species that are uncommon, cryptic, or that live in remote areas. So we rely on the Maine public’s passion for wildlife to help.
Find a project that most interests you:
A closer look at wildlife and conservation projects.
Rearch & Management Reports
Wondering how MDIFW manages Maine’s wildlife? Looking for data and conservation updates? Check out the Research & Management Reports.