How to Avoid or Resolve a Wildlife Conflict

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Some wildlife species are drawn to residential areas because they offer food, shelter, and safety from natural predators. But in exchange, they risk running into trouble with their human neighbors.

As a Maine resident, you can control the way you experience the wildlife around you – enjoying the wonder of watching animals move through their habitats, not yours. To do so, you just need to understand why animals might be attracted to your property, and then take some preventative steps.

How to Avoid Conflicts

Many conflicts can be prevented by keeping your distance and removing common attractants. Here are some specific ways you can do that:

Keep wildlife wild

  • Watch wildlife from a distance
  • Never approach, handle, feed, or attempt to move a wild animal

Eliminate access to shelter

  • Seal potential entry points in attics or chimneys and under buildings, decks, and crawl spaces with 1/4-inch mesh hardware cloth, boards, or metal flashing.
  • Trim tree limbs near rooftops and attach sheets of metal flashing around building corners

Be smart about the garbage

  • Store garbage in a building
  • Use garbage cans with latching lids that do not open if pushed over
  • If you have curbside pickup, wait until that morning to take out the trash
  • Keep dumpster lids closed and latched

Compost responsibly

  • Secure your compost to keep wildlife out
  • Never compost animal matter, which can become smelly and attract wildlife

Feed birds the natural way

  • Plant native plants in your yard that provide food and shelter for birds and other species, without attracting rodents and other animals 

Protect poultry and livestock

  • Secure your poultry and livestock in a predator-proof pen, protected by electric fencing or guard animals
  • Store food indoors or in an animal-proof container

Be a responsible pet owner

  • Keep your pet’s vaccinations up to date
  • Keep your pet on a leash and under control at all times
  • Don’t feed pets outside unless you must; and if that’s the case, clean up after.
  • Don’t feed feral cats
  • At night (dusk until dawn), brings your pets inside and lock pet doors to keep other animals out

Download a Checklist for Your Home (PDF)

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How to Resolve Wildlife Conflicts

Seeing wildlife near your home, even during daylight, is typically not a cause for alarm.

The best way to encourage wildlife to move to another area is to follow the steps above. To learn more about the species living near you and additional ways to encourage them to move on, please click the links below.

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Need more assistance? Find an ADC Agent or contact USDA

Still having trouble after you’ve followed the preventative steps above or tried a species-specific recommendation to resolve your problem? You are in luck! You can hire a local Animal Damage Control Cooperator (ADC agent) or contact United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for support.

ADC Agents: An ADC agent can help you resolve conflicts with a wide variety of wildlife found around your home – anything from mice to coyotes. There are several agents that specialize in certain species (such as beavers or bats), so be sure you choose an agent with the right expertise. If you are having problems with a species that doesn’t fall into one of the categories on the list, or moose, deer, bear, or turkey, please contact your regional wildlife biologist or district game warden

USDA: To request information or support from USDA, please call 207-629-5181. USDA is the best option for issues involving Canada geese and other migratory birds, but are able to help with all species.

Find a local ADC agent to hire:

County Town Name Phone Towns willing to work in Can help resolve conflicts with
Kennebec Somerset Canaan Donald S. Decker Home:
Work: 207-399-8135
Canaan, Oakland, Waterville, Sidney Bats, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland Kennebec Lincoln Sagadahoc Nobleboro Arthur Davis Home:
Work: 207-380-6652
Nobleboro, Damariscotta, Newcastle, Portland, South Portland, Richmond, Augusta Bats, Mice to Coyote
York Acton Robert B. MacGregor Home:
Work: 603-617-8238
Acton, Shapleigh, Newfield, Parsonfield, Sanford, Alfred, North Berwick, South Berwick, Kittery, Waterboro, Wells Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland Kennebec Lincoln Sagadahoc Litchfield Kenneth Murphy Jr. Home:
Work: 207-312-9836
Augusta, Gardiner, Richmond, Waterville, Brunswick, Lewiston, Auburn, Wiscassett, China, Dresden, Bowdoinham, Wiscasset, Monmouth, Mt. Vernon Bats, Mice to Coyote
York Buxton Anthony Forestiere Home:
Work: 207-233-7129
Saco, Biddeford, Buxton Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Milford Michael Georgia Home:
Cell: 207-249-0593
Work: 207-478-6487
Milford, Old Town, Greenbush, Greenfield, Bangor, Brewer, Alton, Orono, Eddington, Hampden Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland New Gloucester Joshua Sparks Home:
Work: 207-926-3077
Westbrook, Windham, Gray, Poland, Mechanic Falls, Lewiston, Auburn, Portland, Falmouth, Raymond, Turner, Pownal, Freeport, Yarmouth, Cape Elizabeth, Sough Portland Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
York Lebanon Richard Barbour Jr. Home:
Work: 207-475-6820
Sanford, Lebanon, Acton, Springdale, Berwick, York, Kittery Beaver, Mice to Coyote
York Eliot Roderick A Payeur Home:
Work: 207-439-4286
Eliot, Kittery, York, Cape Neddick, Ogunquit, Wells, Kennebunk, Cape Porpoise, Berwick, Lebanon Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Washington Robbinston Carl R Varney Home:
Work: 207-415-5996
Princeton, Baileyville, Calais, Robbinston, Charlotte, Perry, Eastport, Pembroke, Lubec, Dennysville, Whiting, Pleasant Point, Marian, East Machias, Machias, Marshfield, Jonesboro, Roque Bluffs, Northfield, Meddybemps, Alexander, Grand Lake Stream Bats, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Sherman Harold Lane Home:
Work: 207-365-4618
Sherman, Benedicta, Silver Ridge Twp., Stacyville, Patten, Island Falls, Hershey Twp., Mt. Chase Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Washington Topsfield Thomas Cochran Home:
Work: 207-214-2075
Topsfield, Springfield, Danforth, Wytopitlock, Lincoln, Howland, Enfield, Princeton Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Franklin Kennebec Somerset Mercer Caleb Jones Home:
Work: 207-465-5902
Mercer, New Sharon, Smithfield, Rome, Norridgewock, Skowhegan, Fairfield, Oakland, Waterville, Belgrade, Mt. Vernon, China, Sidney Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Kennebec Lincoln Sagadahoc Bowdoin Kathryn McCue Home:
Work: 207-720-0074
Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Richmond, Litchfield, Gardiner, Dresden, Alna, Wiscasset, Woolwich, Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, Bath, Georgetown, West Bath, Topsham, Lisbon Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Woodland David Rhinebolt Home:
Work: 207-852-7527
Woodland, Wade, Washburn and Perham Mice to Coyote
Hancock Waltham Steven Strout Home:
Work: 207-460-3121
Waltham, Hancock, Otis, Mariaville, Franklin, Ellsworth, Surry, Blue Hill, Lamoine, Sorrento, Gouldsboro Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Poland James Webster Jr. Home:
Work: 207-689-4513
Poland, Mechanic Falls, Minot,Lewiston and Auburn Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Somerset Cambridge Wilson Weems Home:
Work: 207-708-6441
Harmony, Cambridge Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Knox Lincoln Windsor Jeff Winslow Home:
Work: 207-446-7180
Windsor, Whitefield, Somerville, Washington, Augusta, Jefferson Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Hancock Ellsworth Christopher Derr Home:
Work: 207-479-4616
Ellsworth, Hancock, Lamoine, Trenton, Franklin, Sullivan, Sorrento, Surry, Penobscot, Orland, Bucksport, Dedham, Mariaville, Waltham, Eastbrook Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Hancock Ellsworth Jesse Derr Home:
Work: 207-667-7271
Ellsworth Hancock, Lamoine, Trenton, Franklin, Sullivan, Sorrento, Surry, Penobscot, Orland, Bucksport, Dedham, Mariaville, Waltham, Eastbrook, Blue Hil Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Hancock Ellsworth David Boutaugh Home:
Work: 207-479-3957
Amherst, Aurora, Bar Harbor, Blue Hill, Brooklin, Brooksville, Bucksport, Castine, Cranberry Isles, Dedham, Deer Isle, Eastbrook, Franklin, Frenchboro, Gouldsboro, Great Pod, Hancock, Lamoine, Mariaville, Mount Desert, Orland, Osborn, Otis, Penobscot, Sed Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland Sagadahoc Brunswick Nelson Frost Home:
Work: 207-208-6428
Brunswick, Bath, Topsham, Freeport, Yarmouth, Durham, Pownel Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Washington Pembroke Mark Stanhope Home:
Work: 207-214-1862
Pembroke, Perry, Dennysville, Charlotte, Meddybemps, Whiting, Robbinston Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Knox Waldo Lincolnville Parker Laite Jr Home:
Work: 207-236-2429
Camden, Rockport, Lincolnville and Hope Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Washington Baileyville Danny L.Wood Home:
Work: 207-427-3426
Baileyville, Princeton, Waite, Topsfield, Lambert, Grand Lake Stream, Meddybemps, Alexander, Wesley, Calais Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Piscataquis Bradford Brian Bernosky Home:
Work: 207-227-9271
Bradford, Hudson, Glenburn, Corinth, Kenduskeag, Levant, LaGrange, Alton, Old Town, Bangor, Orono, Dover, Charleston, Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Washington Machiasport Jessica Lewis Home:
Work: 207-401-0333
Machias, Machiasport, East Machias, Jonesboro, Roque Bluffs, Columbia Falls, Jonesport, Harrington, Cherryfield, Wesley, Northfield, Marshfield, Whitneyville, Whiting, Pembroke, Lubec, Cutler Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Mars Hill Dana Chasse Home:
Mars Hill, Bridgewater, Westfield, Blaine and E Twp. Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Presque Isle Jim Chasse Home:
Work: 207-769-3051
Presque Isle, Easton, Mapleton, Mars Hill, Fort Fairfield, Westfield Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland York Standish Brandon Watson Home:
Work: 207-330-8981
Standish, Sebago, Windham, Hollis, Buxton, Limington, Naples, Raymond, Casco, Gray, Baldwin, Steep Falls, Dayton, Scarborough, Saco, Gorham, Westbrook, Cornish Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Hancock Bar Harbor Anthony (Tony) Preston-Schreck Home:
Work: 207-242-2381
Ellsworth, Hancock, Lamoine, Trenton, Franklin, Bar Harbor, Hulls Cove, Southwest Harbor, Northeast Harbor, Tremont, Otter Creek, Seal Harbor, Winter Harbor, Gouldsboro, Surry, Blue Hill, Penobscot, Castine, Deer Isle, Stonington Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Kennebec Leeds Dale Holt Home:
Work: 207-713-7118
Leeds, Greene, Turner, Monmouth, Livermore, Livermore Falls, Sabattus, Wales, Winthrop, Wayne Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Knox Lincoln Penobscot Winslow Alisha Levine Home:
Work: 207-314-0969
Winslow, Bangor, Augusta, Waldoboro, Camden, Rockport Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
York Hollis Center Donald Harris Home:
Work: 207-831-8315
Hollis, Limington, Biddeford, Dayton Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland Oxford Sagadahoc York Lewiston Richard Burton Jr. Home:
Work: 207-212-0437
Auburn, Lewiston, Minot, Lisbon, Topsham, Brunswick, Yarmouth, Falmouth, Gray, Cumberland, Portland, Scarborough, Cape Elizabeth, Poland, South Portland, Saco. Sabattus, New Gloucester, Turner, Greene, Wales, Canton, Livermore, Leeds Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
York North Waterboro Christopher Brassard Home:
Work: 207-252-4390
Waterboro Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Bangor Doug Tibbetts Home:
Work: 207-217-0793
Bangor, Brewer, Hermon, Glenburn, Levant, Veazie, Kenduskeag Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland New Gloucester Cory D Edgerly Home:
Work: 207-440-7210
Lewiston, Auburn, Falmouth, Yarmouth, Freeport, New Gloucester, Portland, South Portland, Gray, Standish, Casco, Gorham, Cumberland, Windham, North Yarmouth, Cape Elizabeth, Scarborough Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Franklin Somerset Lexington Wright Pinkham Home:
Work: 207-628-2916
Anson, Madison, Embden, Solon, Bingham, Moscow, New Portland, Norridgewock, Cornville, Athens, Brighton, Industry, New Sharon, Mercer Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Winn Frank Spiecker Jr Home:
Work: 207-450-7971
Winn, Lincoln, Chester, Mattawamkeag, Lee, Springfield, Kingman, Enfield, Medway Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
York East Waterboro Angela J. Chute Home:
Work: 207-205-7969
Waterboro, Limerick, Newfield, Shapleigh, Lyman, Limington, Hollis, Buxton, Alfred, Dayton and Saco Beaver, Mice to Coyote
York East Waterboro Michael Chute Home:
Work: 207-432-2326
Waterboro, Limerick, Newfield, Shapleigh, Lyman, Limington, Hollis, Buxton, Alfred, Dayton and Saco Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Waldo Albion Henry A. Carter Home:
Work: 207-660-2422
Albion, China, Benton, Unity, Troy, Winslow Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland Sagadahoc Bath William Andrew Jones Home:
Work: 207-380-4655
Bath, Brunswick, Harpswell, West Bath, Arrowsic, Georgetown, Woolwich Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Lincoln Newcastle Kensell Krah II Home:
Work: 207-380-6307
Newcastle, Damariscotta, Alna, Bristol, Nobleboro, Bremen, Walpole, New Harbor, Edgecomb, Wiscasset Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland York Hollis Nicholas Chambers Home:
Work: 207-538-6321
Hollis, Buxton, Dayton, Waterboro, Newfield, Limerick, Limington, Standish, Gorham Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Hermon Timothy Witham Home:
Work: 207-944-7134
Hermon, Carmel, Levant, Newburgh, Dixmont, Hampden, Glenburn Beaver
Franklin Salem Township Benjamin Newell Home:
Work: 207-779-7837
Salem, Phillips, Strong, Kingfield Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland Hancock Kennebec Lincoln Penobscot Waldo Brooks Raymond Losnes Home:
Work: 207-323-9786
Brooks, Unity, Morrill, Augusta, Waterville, Boothbay, Burnham, Belfast, Bar Harbor, Lincoln, Brunswick Bats, Mice to Coyote
Hancock Deer Isle Ralph Hardy Home:
Work: 207-348-2295
Deer Isle, Stonington, Sedgwick, Brooksville, Brooklin, Blue Hill Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Millinocket Kevin R Osborne Home:
Work: 207-723-1118
Millinocket, East Millinocket Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Lincoln Sagadahoc Pittston Richard Fairfield JR Home:
Work: 207-582-8861
Gardiner, Pittston, Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Litchfield, Whitefield, Chelsea, Augusta, Richmond, Randolph Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Knox Lincoln Penobscot Winslow Don Levine Home:
Work: 207-355-1742
Winslow, Bangor, Augusta, Waldoboro, Camden, Rockport Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Presque Isle Daniel Corey Home:
Work: 207-551-4149
Presque Isle, Caribou, Mapleton, Fort Fairfield, Washburn Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Penobscot Patten Charles McLaughlin Home:
Work: 207-528-2521
Patten, Crystal, Mt. Chase Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Fort Fairfield Edward C Ainsworth Home:
Work: 207-999-1795
Easton, Fort Fairfield, Limestone, Presque Isle Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Piscataquis Somerset Rockwood Eugene P Stratton Jr Home:
Work: 207-242-5917
Rockwood, Jackman, Greenville, Shirley Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Piscataquis Dexter Norris Fillmore Home:
Work: 207-924-4226
Corinna, Dexter, Dover Foxcroft Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Somerset Saint Albans Brett Patten Home:
Work: 207-431-2798
Hartland, Palmyra, St. Albans, Newport, Pittsfield, Dexter, Corinna, Cambridge, Harmony, Ripley Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Woodland Robert E. Hersey Home:
Work: 207-227-6424
Woodland, Perham, New Sweden, Washburn, Caribou Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Merrill Christopher Lawlor Home:
Work: 207-538-7320
Merrill, Smyrna, Moro Plt., Oakfield, Dyer Brook Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Hancock Penobscot Greenbush Michael James Gilks Home:
Work: 207-852-6409
Greenbush, Bangor, Penobscot, Hermon, Blue Hill, Orrington Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Waldo Winterport Regan Young Home:
Work: 207-323-4044
Winterport, Hampden, Frankfort Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Lincoln Sagadahoc Bowdoinham John LaMarca Home:
Work: 207-752-1556
Bowdoinham, Bowdoin, Richmond, Dresden, Gardiner Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Franklin Somerset Freeman Twp. Nilo W. Sillanpaa Home:
Work: 207-670-5500
Freeman, Strong, Solon, Phillips, New Vineyard, New Portland, Kingfield, Avon, Carrabassett, Wyman, Stratton, Eustis, Lexington, Embden, North Anson, Madrid, Rangeley Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland Kennebec Knox Lincoln Sagadahoc York West Gardiner Michael Bayrd Home:
Work: 207-841-8081
Gardiner, West Gardiner, Brunswick, Cumberland, Boothbay, Camden, Augusta, Bath, Waterville, Winthrop, Mt. Vernon, Pittsfield, Portland, Naples, Poland, Kennebunk, York Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland North Yarmouth Jeffrey Verrill Home:
Work: 207-831-7146
North Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Cumberland, Durham, Pownal, Freeport, Portland, South Portland, Gray, New Gloucester, Windham, North Windham Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Oxford Andover Rusty Parker Home:
Cell: 978-609-4312
Work: 207-392-1300
Andover, Rumford, Mexico, Bethel, Newry, Upton, Andover, Milton, Dixfield, West Paris, Roxbury, North Andover Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Chapman Mark Ireland Home:
Work: 207-592-0360
Mapleton, Chapman, Castle Hill, T11 R4 Beaver, Mice to Coyote
York Sanford Tyler Therrien Home:
Work: 207-432-7699
Sanford, York, Wells, Ogunquit, Saco, Eliot, Biddeford, Alfred, Waterboro, Kittery, Old Orchard Beach Bats, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland Lewiston Andrew L. French Home:
Work: 207-784-7965
Lewiston, Auburn, Sabattus, Lisbon, New Gloucester, Durham, Poland, Wales, Greene, Leeds, Minot, Mechanic Falls, Turner Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Washington Harrington Jamie Robbins Home:
Work: 207-450-4024
Columbia, Columbia Falls, Addison, Tibbets Town, Harrington, T18, T19, T24, T25 and Centerville Twp Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Lincoln Sagadahoc Gardiner Carlton Tripp Home:
Work: 207-576-7598
Gardiner, Augusta, Richmond, Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Litchfield, Manchester, Chelsea, Farmingdale, Randolph, Pittston, Whitefield Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Hancock Penobscot Eddington Michael Darragh III Home:
Work: 207-907-9175
Eddington, Holden, Brewer, Bangor, Orrington, Bucksport, Dedham, Bradley Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Piscataquis Somerset Monson Joshua Cates Home:
Work: 207-717-4414
Monson, Guilford, Abbot, Dover Foxcroft, Greenville, Shirley, Rockwood Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Easton Robert Clark Home:
Work: 207-227-1370
Easton Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Lincoln Chelsea Fred A. Turner Home:
Work: 207-582-2633
Chelsea, Pittston, Augusta, Manchester, Readfield, Sidney, Farmingdale, Gardiner, Randolph, Litchfield, Windsor, Whitefield, China, Vassalboro, Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Penobscot Somerset Waldo St. Albans Stephen Pace Home:
Work: 207-708-9292
St, Albans, Newport, Hartland, Bangor, Pittsfield, Unity, Albion, Waterville, Fairfield, Clinton, Skowhegan, Canaan, Palmyra, Burnham, Etna, Dixmont, Dexter, Sidney, Vassalboro, Belgrade, Augusta, Palermo, Rome, Mercer, Smithfield, Norridgework, Detroit, Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland Oxford Otisfield Katrina Carstensen Home:
Work: 207-583-2105
Otisfield, Casco, Raymond, Bridgton, Norway, Paris, South Paris, Oxford Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Lincoln Pittston Tim Coston Home:
Work: 207-446-2676
Windsor, China, Pittston, Whitefield, Chelsea, Augusta Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Knox Waldo Morrill Warren Heath IV Home:
Work: 207-322-2035
Belfast, Waldo, Searsport, Swanville, Freedom, Lincolnville, Stockton Springs, Northport, Searsmont, Winterport, Brooks, Montville, Knox, Frankfort, Liberty, Unity, Belmont, Monroe, Rockport, Rockland Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Kennebec Oxford Leeds Joey Morneault Home:
Work: 207-713-7636
Leeds, Greene, Turner, Livermore, Hartford, Canton, Winthrop, Wayne, Monmouth, Sabattus, Litchfield, Wales Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Washington Milbridge Alton Wallace Home:
Work: 207-598-7500
Milbridge Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Penobscot Washington Caribou Devin Michaud Home:
Work: 207-316-9524
Caribou, Houlton, Presque Isle, Ashland, Madawaska, Fort Kent, Bangor, Old Town, Orono, Glenburn, Milford, Levant, Enfield, Mattawamkeag, Millinocket, Patten, Danforth, Linneus Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Franklin Oxford Dixfield Scott F. Blaisdell Home:
Work: 207-357-4974
Dixfield, Peru, Canton, Mexico, Rumford, Carthage, Weld, Wilton, Jay Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland Kennebec Lincoln Sagadahoc Dresden Bob Noonan Home:
Work: 207-660-2694
Dresden, Richmond, Litchfield, Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Gardiner, Hallowell, Farmingdale, Augusta, Pittston, Whitefield, Wiscasset, Bath, Topsham, Brunswick Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Lincoln Sagadahoc Bowdoinham Jesse W. Harriman Home:
Work: 207-522-0459
Bowdoinham, Bowdoin, Richmond, Dresden, Litchfield, Alna, Whitefield, Jefferson, Waldoboro Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Piscataquis Woodland Daniel Robertson Home:
Work: 207-592-9559
Woodland, New Sweden, Stockholm, Westmorland, Washburn, Wade, Parkman, Caribou
Hancock Knox Penobscot Piscataquis Waldo Orrington Robert (Chip) McKnight Home:
Work: 207-951-6513
Aurora, Bangor, Belfast, Blue Hill, Brewer, Bucksport, Camden, Corinth, Dexter, Dover-Foxcroft, Eddington, Ellsworth, Exeter, Glenburn, Hampden, Hermon, Holden, Howland, Kenduskeag, Levant, Lincoln, Millinocket, Mount Desert Island, Newport, Old Town, Orr Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland Sagadahoc Durham Randy Huntley Home:
Work: 207-650-2942
Durham, Pownal, Freeport, Falmouth, Yarmouth, North Yarmouth, Cumberland, Gray, New Gloucester, Windham, Auburn, Brunswick, Topsham, Lisbon, Lisbon Falls Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Lincoln Sagadahoc Georgetown William Brune Home:
Work: 207-751-5299
Georgetown, Arrowsic, Phippsburg, Woolwich, Bowdoinham, Dresden, Westport Beaver, Mice to Coyote
York Lebanon Andrew Gerrish Home:
Work: 207-206-9091
Acton, Alfred, Aurndel, Berwick, Biddeford, Cape Neddick, Waterboro, Eliot, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Kittery, Lebanon, Lyman, North Berwick, Ogunquit, Old Orchard Beach, Saco, Sanford, South Berwick, Wells, York, Shapleigh Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Franklin Somerset Starks Jared Leo Poirier Home:
Work: 207-578-4150
Starks, Madison, Industry, Farmington, Mercer, New Sharon, Norridgewock, Vienna, Rome, Mt. Vernon Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Waldo Hampden Daniel McAllister Home:
Work: 207-862-3943
Hampden, Bangor, Brewer, Hermon, Winterport, Carmel Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Waldo Hampden Sally McAllister Home:
Work: 207-862-3943
Hampden, Bangor, Brewer, Hermon, Winterport, Carmel Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Mount Vernon Brian Yacino Home:
Work: 207-293-2001
Rome, Belgrade, Readfield, Fayette, Mount Vernon Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Caribou Jamie Huston Home:
Work: 207-554-0466
Caribou, Limestone, Caswell Beaver
Aroostook Caribou Caleb Willett Home:
Work: 207-521-6216
Caribou, Woodland, Perham, New Sweden, Stockholm, Limestone, Fort Fairfield, Presque Isle Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Fort Kent Jared Ashley Home:
Work: 207-478-3362
Fort Kent, Wallagrass, Eagle Lake, St. John, St. Francis, Allagash, Frenchville, St. Agatha, Cross Lake, New Canada Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Milford Timothy Benson Home:
Work: 207-478-2362
Orono, Old Town, Milford, Bangor, Brewer Bats, Mice to Coyote
York Arundel Isaac Brown Home:
Work: 207-292-8651
Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Biddeford, Saco, Old Orchard Beach, Arundel, Wells Bats, Mice to Coyote
Franklin Rangeley Robert W. Elliot Home:
Work: 207-491-6961
Rangeley, Carrabassett Valley, Eustis, Stratton Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Lincoln Southport Ronald Farnham Home:
Work: 207-400-7355
Southport, Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Somerset Skowhegan David Kinney Home:
Work: 207-474-5255
Anson, North Anson, Embden, Madison, Norridgewock, Skowhegan Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland Sagadahoc Bowdoin Michael Langley Jr Home:
Work: 207-449-8899
Bowdoin, Topsham, Bowdoin Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Winslow John Lombardi Home:
Work: 207-649-6949
Winslow, Waterville, China, Oakland, Sidney, Vassalboro Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Somerset Jackman Kylen Mays Home:
Work: 207-349-0081
Jackman, Rockwood, Dennistown, West Forks Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Waldo Hermon Shawn McNally Home:
Work: 207-267-4961
Hermon, Hampden, Bangor, Carmel, Lebvant, Brewer, Eddington, Orrington, Holden, Orono, Milford, Bradley, Old Town, Newburgh, Dixmont, Winterport Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Piscataquis Somerset Parkman Rodney Page Home:
Work: 207-27-3941
Parkman, Wellington, Harmony, Cambridge, Ripley, Dexter, St. Albans, Kingsbury, Athens Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Oxford South Paris Bernard Scribner Home:
Work: 207-743-8313
South Paris, West Paris, Norway, Oxford, Hebron, Sumner, Buckfield Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Amity Arthur Thorne Jr Home:
Work: 202-594-9972
Amity, Orient, Linneus, Hodgdon, Houlton Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland Auburn Kaileb Turcotte Home:
Work: 207-576-3827
Auburn, Lewiston, Sabattus, Freeport, Durham, Pownal, Gray, Lisbon, Brunswick, Portland, Falmouth, Yarmouth, Cape Elizabeth Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland New Gloucester Charles Verrill Home:
Work: 207-233-0273
Gray, Pownal, Durham, Auburn, New Gloucester, Poland, Mechanic Falls, Casco, Cumberland, North Yarmouth, Windham Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland York Windham Eric Thorpe Home:
Work: 207-632-2301
Windham, Gray, Raymond, Standish, Casco, Naples, New Gloucester, Gorham, Portland, Westbrook, South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Scarborough, Falmouth, Yarmouth, Cumberland, Freeport, Sebago, Bridgton, Old Orchard Beach, Saco Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Waldo Belfast Kayden Richards Home:
Work: 207-323-5568
Belfast, Morrill, Waldo, Belmont, Swanville, Searsmont, Searsport, Northport Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Ashland Jeffery Lavway Home:
Work: 207-762-0432
Mapleton, Castle Hill, Chapman, Mars Hill Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland York North Waterboro Michael Cash Home:
Work: 207-550-1567
Saco, Biddeford, Scarborough, Old Orchard Beach, South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Portland, Falmouth, Westbrook Bats, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Burlington Frederick Curtis Jr Home:
Work: 207-731-9318
Burlington, Lowell, Enfield, Lincoln, Howland, Lee, Greenbush Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland York Saco Rodney Emhof Home:
Work: 207-800-5784
Saco, Biddeford, Scarborough, Old Orchard Beach, South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Portland, Falmouth, Westbrook Bats, Mice to Coyote
York Arundel Nathan Jones Home:
Work: 207-590-7591
Arundel, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Biddeford, Lyman, Wells Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland Auburn Matt Grenier Home:
Work: 207-754-6729
Auburn, Lewiston, Sabattus, Freeport, Durham, Pownal, Gray, Lisbon, Brunswick, Portland, Falmouth, Yarmouth Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Franklin Oxford Minot Stephen Holbrook Home:
Work: 207-754-5645
Auburn, Lewiston, Leeds, Greene, Turner, Minot, Buckfield, Hartford, Sumner, Jay Beaver, Mice to Coyote
York Kennebunk Charles Brown Home:
Work: 207-467-0256
Kenneubunk, Kennebunkport, Arundel Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Bangor James J. Fahey Home:
Work: 207-631-7227
Bangor, Veazie, Orono, Hermon, Glenburn, Hudson, Brewer, Hampden Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Waldo Morrill Donald Cross Home:
Work: 207-323-5956
Belmont, Searsmont, Morrill, Searsport, Belfast, Northport, Stockton Springs, Waldo, Brooks, Knox Montville, Liberty, Thorndike Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Waldo Belmont Andrew R. Cross Home:
Work: 207-323-8995
Belmont, Searsmont, Morrill, Searsport, Belfast, Northport, Stockton Springs, Waldo, Brooks, Knox, Montville, Liberty, Thorndike Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Hancock Bass Harbor Sandra Closson Home:
Work: 207-244-9915
Tremont, Southwest Harbor, Bar Harbor, Mount Desert Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Millinocket Thomas Donley Home:
Work: 207-447-2933
Millinocket, East Millinocket, Medway Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland Oxford Harrison Kyle Kent Home:
Work: 207-632-6168
Naples, Otisfield, Casco, Raymond, Windham, Gray, Yarmouth, Falmouth, Auburn, Norway, South Paris, Harrison, Waterford, Bridgton, Standish, Baldwin Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Manchester Marc Guillemette Home:
Work: 207-441-4861
Manchester, Augusta Beaver, Mice to Coyote
York Merrimack, NH Justin Bonenfant Home:
Work: 603-493-4268
Kittery, York, Elliot, South Berwick, Ogunquit, North Berwick, Wells Beaver, Mice to Coyote
York Biddeford Bruce Martin Home:
Work: 207-284-4692
Biddeford, Saco, Old Orchard Beach, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Arundel, Lyman, Alfred, Wells Mice to Coyote
Washington Baileyville Joshua Wood Home:
Work: 207-427-3426
Baileyville, Princeton, Waite, Topsfield, Lambert, Grand Lake Stream, Meddybemps, Alexander, Wesley, Calais Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Washington Machias Ted Briggs Home:
Work: 207-343-2048
Machias, Marshfield, Northfield, Roque Bluff, Machiasport, Jonesport, Jonesboro Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Knox Lincoln Sagadahoc Edgecomb Jeffrey Clifford Home:
Work: 207-350-9480
Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, Edgecomb, Newcastle, Wiscasset, Woolwich, Pittston, Richmond, Dresden, Nobleboro, Waldoboro, Warren, Jefferson, Whitefield Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Kennebec Leeds William Hart Home:
Work: 207-713-9118
Leeds, Greene, Turner, Livermore, Livermore Falls, Wales, Sabattus, Monmouth, Winthrop, Wayne Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Clifton Paul B Roberts Jr Home:
Work: 207-299-8345
Clifton, Eddington, Holden, Brewer Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Augusta Greg Smith Home:
Work: 207-446-4444
Augusta, Hallowell, Gardiner, West Gardiner, Randolph, Chelsea, Vassalboro, Manchester, Sidney Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Greene David Noonan Home:
Work: 207-344-4149
Greene, Leeds, Wales, Turner, Lewiston, Auburn, Sabattus Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Waldo Knox Arthur Cross Jr Home:
Work: 207-722-3187
Knox, Unity, Morrill, Belfast, Belmont, Searsport, Burnham, Freedom, Montville, Searsmont, Liberty Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Franklin Oxford East Dixfield Brian Maxham Home:
Work: 207-645-4423
Wilton, Weld, Jay, Farmington, Industry, New Sharon, Chesterville, Strong, New Vineyard, Dixfield, Livermore Falls, Livermore, Carthage, Kingfield Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland Oxford York East Baldwin Frank Myers Home:
Work: 207-595-2135
Baldwin, Cornish, Hiram, Denmark, Sebago, Standish, Limington, Limerick, Windham Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Washington Dennysville Larry Sprague Home:
Work: 207-248-2676
Pembroke, Perry, Whiting, Dennysville, Edmunds, Trescott, Charlotte, Cathance, Centerville, Lubec, Marion, Cooper, Robbinston, Berry Twp., Cutler Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Greenfield Twp. David Georgia Jr Home:
Work: 207-735-4522
Greenfield, Greenbush, Milford, Old Town, Orono Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Penobscot Patten Scott Martin Home:
Work: 207-538-5690
Patten, Stacyville, Crystal, Mt. Chase Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Penobscot Piscataquis Somerset Athens Jesse Huff Home:
Work: 207-612-6231
Skowhegan, Athens, Cornville, Harmony, Hartland, St. Albans, Corinna, Dexter, Sangerville, Bangor, Hermon, Newport, Clinton, Dixmont, Brewer Bats, Mice to Coyote
York South Berwick Charles Freeman Home:
Work: 207-384-5420
Berwick, South Berwick, Eliot Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Caribou James Michaud Jr Home:
Work: 207-551-5592
Caribou, Limestone, Fort Fairfield, Presque Isle, Westfield, Mars Hill, Castle Hill, Mapleton, Casewell, Stockholm, Conner, Easton Mice to Coyote
Cumberland Kennebec Knox Lincoln Sagadahoc Waldo New Harbor Brennan King Home:
Work: 207-403-4407
Nobleboro, Waldoboro, Jefferson, Augusta, Portland, Bangor, Belfast, Camden, Rockland Bats, Mice to Coyote
Hancock Penobscot Waldo Hermon Robert Stutzman Home:
Work: 207-907-9903
Bangor, Brewer, Bradley, Carmel, Dedham, Eddington, Glenburn, Hampden, Milford, Newburgh, Holden, Hermon, Kenduskeag, Levant, Old Town, Orono, Veazie, Winterport Bats, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Kennebec Lincoln Sagadahoc Somerset Augusta Casey Lawrence Home:
Work: 207-844-1726
Augusta, Gardiner, Litchfield, Pittston, Sidney, Sabattus, China, Chelsea, Wiscasset, Dresden, Winthrop, Fairfield, Waterville, Hallowell, Farmingdale, Manchester, Richmond, Topsham, Lisbon, Bath, Monmouth, Leeds Bats, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Allagash Nathaniel Enck Home:
Work: 207-231-1596
St. John, St. Francis, Allagash, Fort Kent, Wallagrass, Eagle Lake Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland Sagadahoc Durham James B. McKnight Home:
Work: 802-233-2378
Durham, Lisbon, Freeport, West Bath Bats, Mice to Coyote
Hancock Washington Gouldsboro Galen Ruhlin Home:
Work: 207-469-8112
Ellsworth, Hancock, Sullivan, Gouldsboro, Steuben, Milbridge, Harrington, Deblois, Corea Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Piscataquis Somerset Dexter Stephen A. Gudroe Home:
Work: 207-717-7005
Dexter, Corinna, Dover-Foxcroft, Garland, Exeter, Ripley, Newport Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland Pownal Leslie A. Ruest Home:
Work: 207-688-2234
Pownal, Freeport, Yarmouth, North Yarmouth, Durham Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland Sagadahoc Durham Shawn Ruest Home:
Work: 207-240-0442
Pownal, Freeport, Durham, Lisbon, Sabattus, Lewiston, Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Harpswell, Brunswick Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Piscataquis Levant Timothy Hendsbee Home:
Work: 207-478-7642
Bangor, Brewer, Corinna, Dexter, Hampden, Newport, Old Town, Orono, Veazie, Alton, Argyle, Bradford, Carmel, Charleston, Chester, Clifton, Corinna, Enfield, Etna, Exeter, Glenburn, Greenbush, Hampden, Hermon, Holden, Hudson, Kenduskeag, Lagrange, Levant, Beaver, Mice to Coyote
York Kennebunk Matthew Thomas Rimmer Home:
Work: 207-604-2310
Arundel, Biddeford, Wells, Lyman, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland York Waterboro Joseph Tavares II Home:
Work: 207-604-9730
Portland, York, Waterboro, Old Orchard Beach, Saco, Eliot, Sanford, Berwick, Wells, Portland, South Portland, Gray, Yarmouth, Cumberland Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
York Shapleigh Peter Klachany Home:
Work: 207-636-2836
Shapleigh, Newfield, Sanford, Alfred, Waterboro Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland Kennebec Lincoln Sagadahoc Wiscasset Earl Babcock II Home:
Work: 207-449-0712
Woolwich, Bath, brunswick, Richmond, Pittston, Wiscassett, Waldoboro, Whitefield, Jefferson, Boothbay, Alna, Damariscotta Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland York Westbrook James Bourgeois Home:
Work: 207-383-6493
Westbrook, Gorham, Windham, South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Scarborough, Falmouth, Buxton Bats, Mice to Coyote
York Merrimack, NH Jesse Fraser Home:
Work: 602-474-7452
Kittery, Eliot, Berwick, York, Ogunquit, Cape Neddick, Wells Bats, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Waldo Hampden Joshua Ewing Home:
Work: 207-891-8298
Bangor, Brewer, Hampden, Winterport, Orono, Old Town, Glenburn, Newburgh, Holden, Veazie, Carmel Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Kennebec Somerset Sidney Kaleb Bickford Home:
Work: 207-530-2688
Sidney, Belgrade, Oakland, Augusta, Mt. Vernon, Fairfield, Waterville, Winslow, Rome, Smithfield Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Penobscot Washington Burlington Kenneth H. Wilson Jr. Home:
Work: 207-290-5025
Burlington, Lincoln, Old Town, Mattawamkeag, Macwahoc Plt., Springfield, Topsfield, Danforth Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Penobscot Washington Burlington Colby Wilson Home:
Work: 207-290-4113
Burlington, Lincoln, Old Town, Mattawamkeag, Macwahoc Plt., Springfield, Topsfield, Danforth Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Penobscot Oxbow Scott Soucy Home:
Work: 207-576-1828
Oxbow, Patten, Houlton, Ashland Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Aroostook Oxbow Paul Soucy Home:
Work: 207-577-4493
Ashland, Houlton, Patten, Oxbow Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Cumberland York Arundel Benjamin Lacouette Home:
Work: 207-502-5639
Acton, Arundel, Biddeford, Cumberland, Eliot, Freeport, Harpswell, Kittery, Old Orchard Beach, Portland, Saco, South Portland, Sanford, Yarmouth, York Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Hancock Penobscot Hermon Pete Philbrick Home:
Work: 207-852-3030
Hermon, Carmel, Bangor, Levant, Stetson, Kenduskeag, Corinth, Glenburn, Newport, Newburgh, Hampden, Winterport, Brewer, Orrington, Holden, Dedham, Old Town, Orono Beaver, Bats, Mice to Coyote
Androscoggin Cumberland Gray James M. Kelly Jr Home:
Work: 207-239-5055
Lewiston, Auburn, Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Westbrook, Yarmouth, Casco, Windham, Gray, Sebago, South Portland Beaver, Mice to Coyote
Penobscot Kenduskeag Jerry Braley Home:
Work: 207-9444-9029
Kenduskeag, Levant, Carmel, Hermon, Newburg, Bangor, Glenburn, Corinth, Charleston, Etna, Dixmont, Newport, Stetson, Exeter, Corinna, Dexter Beaver, Mice to Coyote

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