Waste Snow Discharge

Snow dump is a facility or area that receives snow and incidental materials collected in the process of removing snow from public or private ways or parking areas, which is then transported by vehicles, such as trucks, trailers, or frontend loaders for storage and disposal.


A permit is required for the direct or indirect discharge of pollutants to waters of the State pursuant to Water Pollution Control, 38 M.R.S. § 413. Snow Dumps: Best Management Practices for Pollution Prevention, 06-096 CMR 573(3) (effective July 29, 2012) specifies when a permit is required. The Department may issue a general permit authorizing the discharge of certain pollutants pursuant to General Permits for Certain Wastewater Discharges, 06-096 CMR 529 (last amended June 27, 2007).  The similarity of discharges from snow discharge activities has prompted the Department to issue these General Permits for certain types of waters of the State. One General Permit, MEG210000, is for the discharge of waste snow to certain estuarine or marine waters of the State pursuant to requirements of State water quality law and the federal Clean Water Act. The other General Permit, MEG220000, is for discharges of wastewaters from waste snow disposal activities to the surface of the earth and the underlying ground waters of the State pursuant the requirements of State water quality law.


Statute and rule

