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Sand-Salt Pile Storage Area Registration and Variance Request
All sand-salt piles are required to be registered with the Department of Environmental Protection. Why?
Every sand-salt pile is a potential pollution source, just like an underground storage tank or a landfill. Groundwater is the resource most likely to be impacted by a sand-salt pile and the DEP has documented dozens of wells that have been rendered unfit by salt leaching from sand-salt piles.
Registration allows the DEP to track your sand-salt pile as a potential pollution source. It also provides us with a mechanism to reach you -- the operator -- with information you can use about upcoming regulatory changes and best management practices. Registration is also required by DEP Rule, Siting and Operation of Road Salt and Sand-Salt Storage Areas, 06-096 C.M.R. ch. 574 (last amended December 3, 2001)
There is currently no fee for registering your sand-salt pile.
Included with the registration form is a request for variance from operational requirements. 06-096 C.M.R. ch.574, Section 6 allows the Department to grant a site-specific variance from the siting or operational requirements of the rule when doing so will not have an adverse impact on water quality or the environment. Registration must confirm compliance with the rules siting criteria before the salt storage area can be used.
Contact Nathan Durant at 207-242-3483. DEP can supply you with a local area map depicting significant sand & gravel aquifers and source water protection areas as well as a copy of the rule.
When you complete the registration form, mail it to:
Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection
Sand and Salt Pile Program
17 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0017
You will receive written confirmation that your registration form has been received and as to whether your site meets the siting criteria or additional information is needed.