pile of milfoil in the bed of a truckInvasive Aquatic Plants Funding Opportunities

Cost share grants for local projects to prevent the spread of invasive aquatic plants

Courtesy Boat Inspection Program

Courtesy boat inspections are the cornerstone of the state's invasive aquatic species prevention program. Limited funds are available for locally initiated CBI programs. Grants are available to municipal and county governments, quasi-municipal organizations (including water districts) and 501C(3) eligible organizations such as lake associations.

This cost share program is administered by the Lakes Environmental Association (LEA) in Bridgton, Maine under an agreement with the Maine DEP. Boat inspectors will be trained by LEA and must follow protocol developed by the DEP and LEA.

Manual Removal of Invasive Aquatic Plants

The State of Maine uses a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to solicit applications for plant control work. Please look for RFA# 202411197 on the RFP page for the 2025 information.
