Residuals, Sludge and Composting

Program Tasks: The Utilization program staff are responsible for:

  • Licensing
  • Compliance Inspections
  • Technical Assistance
  • Education and Outreach
  • Enforcement


composting of food oranges, bananas etc.

Program Area: The Utilization program staff oversee:

  1. Land application of sewage sludge, fish by-products, food waste, secondary papermill sludge or other residuals to supply nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), or other nutrients to a crop;
  2. Land application of bioash, lime-mud, cement kiln dust or other residuals as agriculture liming agents;
  3. Land application of primary papermill sludge, flume grit, wood wastes or other high carbon residuals as a topsoil replacement, or to beneficially increase soil organic matter content;
  4. Utilization of composted residuals, or other processed residuals as a fertilizer, soil amendment, or topsoil replacement;
  5. Land application of septage;
  6. Facilities that compost, aerobically digest, anaerobically digest, air dry, heat dry, heat treat, lime stabilize, pelletize or otherwise process residuals, to make the residual suitable for land application.


Regional Office Staff Phone E-Mail
Augusta Jim Pollock 207-592-8343
Augusta Sarah Smith 207-881-7936
Augusta Stephen Morin 207-252-1841
Bangor John Breedlove 207-530-6601
Bangor Edward Stamborski 207-881-7935
Portland Daniel Chea 207-855-8129
Presque Isle Margaret Watson-Pierce 207-242-0383


Title 38, Chapter 13: WASTE MANAGEMENT


These electronic files contain the Department of Environmental Protection's rules as they were filed with the Secretary of State's Office. These are not certified copies of the regulations. In order to rely on the provisions in a rule as an official version of the State law, you must obtain a certified electronic copy of these rules directly from the Secretary of State's Office.

For further information contact Margaret Watson-Pierce (207) 242-0383

Ch. 400 Solid Waste Management Rules: General Provisions
Ch. 405 Solid Waste Management Rules: Solid Waste Management Rules: Water Quality Monitoring, Leachate Monitoring, and Waste Characterization
Ch. 409 Solid Waste Management Rules: Processing Facilities
Ch. 410 Solid Waste Management Rules: Composting Facilities
Ch. 418 Solid Waste Management Rules: Beneficial Use of Solid Wastes
Ch. 419 Solid Waste Management Rules: Agronomic Utilization of Residuals
Ch. 420 Septage Management Rules


Additional Information

Licensing Fee Schedule (pdf format)
Processing Time Schedule (pdf format)
L.D. 1911 - Sludge and Sludge-Derived Compost Ban and Septage Prohibition

Reports, Active Compost Facilities

Related Programs

DEP Wastewater Discharge Program - Bureau of Land & Water Quality. The Wastewater Discharge Law requires that a license be obtained for discharge of pollutants to a lake, river, stream or coastal waters.

Septic Systems. The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Environmental Health, regulates subsurface sewage disposal systems (“septic systems”), licensing of persons to evaluate soils for subsurface wastewater disposal systems, and inspection of plumbing and subsurface waste water disposal systems.

Maine Compost School - A cooperative effort by the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, and the University of Maine Cooperative Extension providing training in the art and science of composting through classroom instruction, laboratory experience, and hands-on project exercises. (Off Site)

U.S. EPA Biosolids (Off Site)