Home → Waste Management → Programs → Board of Underground Storage Tank Installers → UST Installers and Inspectors List
Maine Certified Underground Storage Tank Installers and Inspectors
Certified by the Board of underground Storage Tank Installers
For more information contact Theresa Scott at (207) 287-7169.
Underground Oil Storage Tank Installers (CTI's). An underground storage tank installer may install, inspect or remove any type of underground oil storage tank, with the exception of field-constructed storage or impressed-current cathodically-protected tanks.
Underground Oil Storage Tank Inspectors (INSP): Permits the underground storage tank inspector to conduct annual inspections of underground storage facilities. A third party cathodic protection tester certificate is also required to conduct the cathodic protection tester portion of the annual inspection. Certification by the manufacturers of leak detection equipment is required to annually inspect specific brands and models of equipment.
Unless noted as specifically being certified as an underground storage tank inspector, a certified individual may INSPECT AND INSTALL any type of underground oil storage tank.
Unless otherwise noted, all telephone numbers are area code 207.
Name | Company | Town | Phone |
Adjutant, Todd | Portland Pump Co. | Scarborough | 883-4317 |
Arbour, Michael | American Home Systems | Manchester | 446-3368 |
Barton, Brian | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Beaumont, David | Beaumont Generator, Inc. | East Millinocket | 746-5459 |
Belanger, Rodney (INSP) | Insight | Hermon | 631-4783 |
Birt, Dylan | Petroleum Maintenance Systems | Auburn | 740-0643 |
Biskupiak, Joshua | Portland Pump Co. | Scarborough | 883-4317 |
Bisson, David | Gaftek, Inc. | Bangor | 217-6515 |
Boucher, Jr., Daniel (INSP) | Advanced Tank Testing Services | South Deerfield, MA | 413-665-8300 |
Brescia, Craig | County Enviornmental Engineering | Caribou | 472-0858 |
Caron, Patrick | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Carr, Jason (INSP) | Stantec | Portland | 603-498-5750 |
Chamberlain, Dale | C.N. Brown Co. | South Paris | 743-9212 |
Cormier, Michael (INSP) | New Durham, NH | 603-403-2999 | |
Cort, Robert | 460-5642 | ||
Couture, Anthony | Precision Tanks, Inc. | Jay | 645-9549 |
Cyr, Scott | Gaftek Inc. | Bangor | 468-5192 |
Desanctis, Antonio | Precision Tanks, Inc. | Jay | 645-9549 |
Drabeck, Joseph | Simard & Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Elwell, Cliff | C and C Contractors, Inc. | Brewer | 989-7188 |
Emery, Todd | Octane Mechanical | Livermore | 500-9199 |
Faulkingham, Reggie (INSP) | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Furge, Duane | Duane Furge | Bangor | 884-2116 |
Gaff, Burnham | Gaftek, Inc. | Bangor | 217-6515 |
Gagne, Matt (INSP) | Crompco, LLC OWL Services | Plymouth Meeting, PA | 610-276-5914 |
George, Edward | Gaftek, Inc. | Bangor | 888-485-5731 |
Gilbert, Aaron (INSP) | UST Inspection Services, Inc. | Cohasset, MA | 781-383-8783 |
Gilbert, Richard (INSP) | 215-9629 | ||
Graves, Raymond (INSP) | Portland Pump Co. | Scarborough | 883-4317 |
Haskell, Jr., Edward | McGee Construction Co. | West Gardiner | 458-5886 |
Hazel, Richard | Gaftek, Inc. | Bangor | 888-485-5731 |
Healey, Peter | Peter Healey | Sanford | 317-0829 |
Hersey, Nathan | County Environmental Engineering | Caribou | 472-0858 |
Humel, Joseph (INSP) | Advanced Tank Testing Services | South Deerfield, MA | 413-665-8300 |
Huntley, Jeffrey | J.L. Huntley, Inc. | Machias | 255-8033 |
Jankovich, Matthew | Maine Department of Transportation | Augusta | 314-5322 |
Johnson, Arthur (INSP) | Atlas | W. Springfield, Ma | |
Johnson, John | Dead River Co. | Bangor | 947-8641 |
King, George (INSP) | Gaftek Inc. | Bangor | 217-6515 |
LaMountain, Henry | LaMountain Brothers, Inc. | Oxford, MA | 508-958-2526 |
Lavallee, Todd | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Legasse, Jr., Kenneth | Gaftek Inc. | Bangor | 888-485-5731 |
Lewis, Michael (INSP) (C1-3) | Petroleum Maintenance Systems | Auburn | 777-3092 |
Lindstrom, Keith (INSP) | Linco Petroleum Services | Oxford | 515-3278 |
Loughrey, Joseph (INSP) | OWL Services USA | Plymouth Meeting, PA | 610-278-7203 |
Moreau, Marcel | Marcel Moreau Associates | Portland | 310-8386 |
Moseley, Daniel (INSP) | Tanknology LLC | Mt. Laurel, NJ | 856-234-1152 |
Mullins, John | S & J Fuel | Searsport | 659-9138 |
Paine, Jonathan (INSP) | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Perreault, Keith (INSP) | Tulsa, Inc. | Van Buren | 868-5702 |
Poulin, Rick | Maine Department of Transportation | Augusta | 592-0894 |
Presnal, Thomas (INSP) | Comprehensive Compliance Mgt | Granby, MA | 413-467-1124 |
Redmond, Steven | Simard and Sons, Inc | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Ricker, Darren (INSP) | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Robinson, William | A.E. Robinson Oil Co. | Dover-Foxcroft | 564-8131 |
Sanborn, David (INSP) | Portland Pump Co. | Scarborough | 883-4317 |
Scott, Elwin | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Scott, Tyler (INSP) | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Simard, Michael | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Smith, Scott | Hall & Smith Energy LLC | Jackman | 668-3192 |
Soucy, Timothy | TCS Consulting | Madison | 399-0141 |
Thompson, Paul | Gaftek, Inc. | Bangor | 944-0461 |
Turner, Landry | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Turner, Lauren (INSP) | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Walker, Stanley (INSP) | Dead River Co. | Bangor | 947-8641 |
Waterman, Rob | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Welch, Caleb (INSP) | Advanced Tank Testing Services | South Deerfield, MA | 413-665-8300 |
Whitney, Michael | Whitney Energy, Inc. | Lincoln | 794-8300 |
Winslow, Mark | Marwin Construction, Inc. | Falmouth | 878-5368 |
Winslow, Stefan | Marwin Construction, Inc. | Falmouth | 878-5368 |
Woicik, Peter (INSP) | Tanknology, Inc. | Mt. Laurel, NJ | 856-234-1152 |
Knightly, Kevin | C.N. Brown Co. | South Paris | 743-9212 |
Veilleux, Patrick | Gaftek, Inc. | Bangor | 217-6515 |
McNeal, Darren | Nickerson and O'Day | Brewer | 989-7400 |
Jackson, Chad | Northern Petroleum Services | Bradley | 217-5232 |
Stone, Adam (INSP) | Portland Pump Co. | Scarborough | 883-4317 |
Sherman, Michael (INSP) | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Gagnon, Zachary (INSP) | Gaftek, Inc. | Bangor | 217-6515 |
McKay, Gilbert (INSP) | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Lewis Jr., Michael (INSP) | Tanknology, Inc. | Mount Laurel, New Jersey | 800-666-1215 |
St. Pierre, Marc (INSP) | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Coffin, Joshua (INSP) | C and C Contractors, Inc. | Brewer | 989-7188 |
Wilson, Charles | Portland Pump Co. | Scarborough | 883-4317 |
Timberlake, Matthew (INSP) | Petroleum Maintenance Systems | Auburn | 777-3092 |
Creech, Thomas (INSP) | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
D'Amour, Joshua | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Skidgell, Nick (INSP) | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Sanborn, Colby (INSP) | Portland Pump Co. | Scarborough | 632-7419 |
LeBlanc, Jacob | Marwin Construction Co., Inc. | Falmouth | 838-5368 |
McCormick, Sean (INSP) | Simard and Sons, Inc. | Lewiston | 783-0297 |
Kenney, Robert (INSP) | Monmouth | ||
Cole, James | SRS Petroleum Services | West Bridgewater, Mass | 508-232-7760 |
Stewart, Sean (INSP) | Portland Pump Co. | Scarborough | 883-4317 |
Villineau, Ryan (INSP) | Gaftek, Inc. | Epsom, NH | 217-6515 |
Elwell, Johnson | Gaftek, Inc. | Bangor | 217-6515 |