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On-site Consumption Motor Fuel Tanks
Aboveground motor fuel storage facilities used for on-site consumption include sites such as farms, fleet fueling, and possibly large residential properties. Motor fuel at these facilities is not being stored for resale. Depending on the facility size and set up, multiple rules and authorities may apply. Please see the regulatory decision tree below.
State Fire Marshall's Permit required for tank installation - Federal EPA
SPCC Plan Federal Law 40 CFR Part 112 if storage capacity >1,320 gallons - ME DEP
Underground Piping Registration and Inspection (motor fuel only) Maine Law 38 MRS § 562-A - MEMA
Annual Inventory Reporting and Registration fee for 10,000 lbs or more of hazardous substances including petroleum
Any oil storage tank larger than 60 gallons and not connected directly to an oil burning appliance must be permitted by the State Fire Marshal's Office. For more information regarding the permitting procedure, please contact the Maine State Fire Marshal's Office at (207) 626-3890. (Off-Site)
If the motor fuel tank is larger than 1,320 gallons or the facility owner has multiple tanks exceeding 1,320 gallons at their facility, then they are required to implement a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan in accordance with federal SPCC law. (EPA's Site - Off Site)
If the motor fuel tank has underground product piping, then the underground product piping must be installed and maintained in accordance with Maine's Underground Oil Storage Tank Rules (Chapter 691).
All Underground piping associated with aboveground motor fuel tanks must be registered with the DEP. In addition the Underground product piping must be inspected annually by a Maine Certified Underground Oil Storage Tank Installer or Inspector and a passing inspection report submitted to the DEP every year.
The Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) requires annual inventory reporting, in accordance with federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) laws. They also collect an inventory and registration fee annually. The inventory and registration fee applies to both ASTs and USTs that store 10,000 lbs or more of a hazardous substance (includes petroleum products and equates to approximately 1,570 gallons), with the exception of USTs at retail service stations. (The exception granted to retail service station USTs does not extend to ASTs because of the inherent dangers ASTs pose to first responders at a given site.) The federal reporting requirement has been in place since 1986, and the State requirement for reports and fees has been in place since 1989.
For information on inventory reporting and emergency response planning requirements for facilities storing oil and/or hazardous materials contact the Maine Emergency Management Agency: Robert S. Gardner, Technological Hazards Specialist, 72 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0072; telephone: (207) 624-4400.
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