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Marine Oil Spill Resources

Marine Oil Spill Contingency Plan - Developed to coordinate the state's response to marine oil spills. Includes requirements for notification, assessment and response for differing emergency scenarios.
- Appendix I - Equipment and Services Directory (March 2022)
- Appendix II - Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Oiled Wildlife Response Plan (January 2020)
- Appendix III - Marine Site Safety Plan (Generic) (November 2021)
- Appendix IV - Scenarios (November 2021)
- Appendix V - Gasoline and Ethanol Spill Response (November 2021)
- Appendix VI - In-situ Burning: Checklist, Decision Tree and Memorandum of Understanding (November 2021)
- Appendix VII - Dispersant Preauthorization Plan (July 2020)
- Appendix VII, Att. 1 - DRAFT New England Region Oil Dispersant Authorization Guide (April 2020)
- Appendix VIII - Comment Response and Change Log (May 2022
Geographic Response Strategies - Booming strategies developed for use by responders in the event of a marine oil spill with maps and photos
Environmental Resources at Risk Maps - Depict environmental resources along the coast of Maine most at risk from oil spilled into the marine or estuarine environment