Safer Chemicals - Fee Structure Policy for Manufacturers of Regulated Products

Maine law 38 M.R.S. §§ 1691-1699-B and 06-096 C.M.R. ch. 881 authorizes the Department to collect fees from regulated entities reporting Priority Chemicals in products sold in Maine.

The Department’s fee structure starts with a base fee and then puts emphasis on the number of product categories and the number of units sold contained in a single report.

Base Fee: $100

Dollar Amount Number of Product Units Sold in Maine Reported
$50 < 50,000
$100 50,001 - 200,000
$150 200,001 - 450,000
$200 450,001 - 600,000
$250 600,001 - 750,000
$300 > 750,000

Fee Calculation Formula
Base Fee + Dollar Amount for Number of Units Sold for Each Product Category = Fee


Manufacturer Y Inc. reported Priority Chemical B in 5 product categories:

1 category reported for < 50,000 Units Sold: $50 * 1 category
4 categories reported for 125,000 Units Sold: $100 * 4 categories

Fee Calculation: Base $100 + $50 + $400 = $550 Fee