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Nonpoint Source Training News. The Maine Nonpoint Source Training News is a compilation of information on the efforts of the Nonpoint Source Training and Resource Center. It provides notice of upcoming training programs, updates on Center initiatives, and items newsworthy to participants of Center programs. Contact: John Maclaine

Shoreland Zoning News. Since 1987, the Shoreland Zoning News has been helping municipal officials better administer and enforce shoreland zoning ordinances. It includes interpretations of the State of Maine Guidelines for Municipal Shoreland Zoning Ordinances, as well as updates and news applicable to the shoreland zone. Contact: Colin Clark

O&M News. The O&M News provides information about wastewater operator certification, training courses for operators, articles on technical subjects and regulatory information. Published monthly by the Division of Water Quality Management, the O&M News invites articles on topics of interest to anyone in the wastewater industry. Contact: David Madore