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GIS at Maine Department of Environmental Protection
What is GIS?
GIS is an acronym for Geographic Information System. A GIS is a combination of computer applications and databases which allow users to create maps and conduct various spatial and attribute analyses.
Why use GIS?
MEDEP staff use GIS for a wide variety of needs, typically to answer spatial questions about the resources we regulate. Examples would include mapping groundwater contamination at a site, modeling ozone air pollution, or determining control methods for invasive species in Maine lakes.
GIS Maps and other data files
The Maine DEP GIS Unit offers selected data, geographically referenced, from a number of the department's databases to the public via Google Earth and in other formats.
GIS Unit Services
The GIS Unit is available to help MEDEP GIS users with assistance for GIS problems of any size. Typically, we provide the following services to our users:
- Technical support for MEDEP GIS applications and data
- Assistance in making maps and conducting analyses
- Technical support and field data collection with GPS Units
- Management of department GIS databases
- Assistance in designing new databases, data protocols, and GIS applications
- Writing of custom code to automate repetitive GIS processes
- Testing of new software releases
- Assistance with planning for future projects including research and development
- Representation of MEDEP GIS users in statewide GIS initiatives
- Infrastructure support for GIS servers and peripherals
Non-MEDEP Staff Support
MEDEP provides support for MEDEP GIS data to other agencies and to the public, but only in the context of supporting the data we provide. Contact John Lynam for help with MEDEP GIS data.
GIS Staff
- John Lynam (207) 446-7957 - Remediation and Waste Management projects and data, GPS Support
- Becky Schaffner (207) 441-2773 - Land and Water GIS Support