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SEP Project Registration Form Explanation
Project Name is the name you choose to identify a proposed project.
Category is a choice you must make to associate a proposed project with one of the categories established in Maine law for SEPs. If your proposal does not fit within one of the following categories, SEP money can not be applied to it. Refer to the SEP policy for full descriptions of each category.
Scope is a choice you must make to define the size of the area that you expect to be affected by completion of the project.
Location is the municipality or county in which you expect the project to occur. Simply type "statewide" in this field for such projects.
Origin is a choice you must make to identify from where the project idea has come.
Submitter's Name is your name.
Submitter's Email is the email address at which you can be reached.
Submitter Affiliation is the name of the entity with which you are affiliated. Simply type "none" if you are an individual that is not associated with any organization for the purposes of this SEP idea.
Description is a concise summary of the concept behind your project idea, and the environmental benefits expected to result from it.
Estimated Costs are the total out-of-pocket expenses you expect are needed to complete the proposed project.
Completion Deadline is the date by which the project must be completed. Fill this field in if the project will not be viable after a certain date.