Air Compliance

Compliance staff are available to answer questions and investigate complaints throughout the state. Inspectors can be contacted at our regional offices.

Major Stationary Source Resources

Major stationary sources are those who have been issued a Title V air emission license (also known as a Part 70 license). The following resources apply to major stationary sources.

Semiannual and Quarterly Reports

Facilities with Title V licenses are required to submit semiannual reports to the Bureau of Air Quality. Semiannual reports contain the same information as Quarterly Reports with the addition of a summary report of deviations and required periodic monitoring (including instrumental monitoring, inspections, and recordkeeping demonstrating compliance with license conditions). Semiannual reports must indicate all deviations from license requirements and the corrective action taken.

For sources required to submit both semiannual and quarterly reports, sources may submit one report at each six-month interval which meets the requirements of both semiannual and quarterly reports. Quarterly reports are still required to be submitted every three months, in-between semiannual reporting.

For both semiannual and quarterly reports, please send one copy of the report to the compliance inspector at your local regional office.

The following documents and forms (all presented in Microsoft Word format) have been developed by the Department as guidance:

Annual Compliance Certification

Facilities with Title V licenses are required to submit an annual compliance certification. Sources are required to submit a certification regarding their compliance status for all applicable requirements signed by a responsible official. The following guidance document and template are available for use in developing the annual certification.

Annual compliance certifications must be submitted to US EPA and the Bureau of Air Quality. Two copies of the compliance certification should be provided to the Department. One copy should be provided to:

Compliance Supervisor
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Air Quality
17 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0017

The second copy should be sent directly to your compliance inspector at your local regional office.

US EPA's copy should be sent to the following address:

Compliance Clerk
EPA-New England, Region 1
5 Post Office Sq. Suite 100
Mail Code OES 04-2
Boston, MA 02109-3912

Boat Building and Repair Facilities

DEP has developed a self-assessment tool for facilities that perform boat building and repair activities. This tool helps facilities track production activities and determine if a license may be required.

There are two parts to the tool:

If you have any questions, please contact Air Licensing Staff at (207) 287-7688 or You may also contact the Office of Assistance at (800) 789-9802 or (207) 287-7881.

Petroleum Storage Facilities

Below are links to Department rules and resources specific to air emissions from petroleum storage facilities.

Additional Resources