2014 Maine Lake Ice Out Dates

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Lake Name Town Ice Reported Out
Toddy Pond Orland, Penobscot, Surry, Blue Hill 4/17/14
Little Cobbossee Lake Manchester 4/20/14
Crescent Lake Raymond 4/21/14
Cochnewagon Lake Monmouth 4/21/14
Togus Pond Augusta 4/20/14
Annabessacook Lake Monmouth, Winthrop 4/20/14
Pleasant Pond Richmond 4/19/14
Crystal Lake Gray 4/18/14
Hadley Lake East Machias 4/17/14
Gardners Lake East Machias 4/17/14
Phillips Lake (Lucerne Lake) Dedham 4/17/14
Clary Lake Whitefield 4/15/14
Pemaquid Pond Nobleboro, Damariscotta 4/14/14
Damariscotta Lake Jefferson, Nobleboro 4/14/14
Eagle Lake Mount Desert Island 4/14/14
Sebago Lake Windham, Standish, Casco, Sebago 4/20/14
Chickawaukie Lake Rockland/Rockport 4/12/14
Rangeley Lake Rangeley / Oquossoc 5/11/14
Moosehead Lake Greenville / Rockwood 5/10/14
Long Lake St. Agatha 5/10/14
Eagle Lake Eagle Lake 5/10/14
Mooselookmeguntic Lake Oquossoc 5/9/14
Millinocket Lake T1 R8 5/9/14
Cross Lake Cross Lake Township, Aroostook County 5/8/14
Umsaskis Lake T11 R13 WELS 5/6/14
Long Lake (AWW) T11 R13 WELS 5/6/14
Chesuncook Lake T3 R12 WELS 5/6/14
Webb Lake Weld 5/6/14
Pleasant Pond Island Falls 5/5/14
Pemadumcook Chain of Lakes Millinocket Area 5/5/14
Sebec Lake Dover-Foxcroft 5/4/14
Schoodic Lake Lakeview Plt 5/5/14
East Grand Lake / Spednik Lake Weston 5/5/14
Wyman Lake Bingham 5/4/14
Embden Pond Embden 5/4/14
West Musquash Lake T6R1 NBPP / Talmadge 5/2/14
East Musquash Lake Topsfield 5/2/14
Lake Wassookeag Dexter 4/29/14
Wesserunsett Lake Madison 4/29/14
Flying Pond Vienna 4/28/14
Minnehonk Lake Mt. Vernon 4/28/14
Cold Stream Pond Enfield 4/28/14
Stump Pond Lincoln 4/28/14
West Grand Lake Grand Lake Stream 4/28/14
Great Moose Lake Hartland 4/28/14
Mattanawcook Lake Lincoln 4/28/14
Sand Pond Chesterville 4/26/14
Songo Pond Albany 4/26/14
Sebasticook Lake Newport 4/25/14
Green Lake Dedham / Ellsworth 4/25/14
Long Pond Belgrade / Mt. Vernon 4/25/14
East Pond Smithfield 4/25/14
Great Pond Belgrade / Rome 4/25/14
Morrill Pond Hartland 4/25/14
Big Lake Grand Lake Str / Princeton 4/24/14
Bog Lake Marion TWP 4/24/14
Kezar Lake Lovell 4/24/14
McGraw Pond Oakland 4/24/14
East Pond Smithfield / Oakland 4/24/14
North Pond Smithfield / Belgrade 4/24/14
Messalonskee Lake (Snow Pond) Belgrade / Oakland 4/24/14
Crawford Lake Crawford 4/23/14
Pocomoonsshine Lake Princeton 4/23/14
Lake Auburn Auburn 4/23/14
Thompson Lake Oxford / Otisfield / Poland / Casco 4/23/14
Upper Narrows Pond Winthrop 4/23/14
Maranacook Lake Winthrop / Readfield 4/23/14
Highland Lake Bridgton 4/23/14
Sheepscot Lake Palermo 4/23/14
Lake St. George Liberty 4/23/14
China Lake China 4/23/14
Hobbs Pond Hope 4/22/14
Cathance Lake Cooper / No. 14 TWP 4/23/14
Lower Narrows Pond Winthrop 4/22/14
Cobbossee Lake Monmouth / Winthrop 4/22/14
Lower Range Pond Poland 4/21/14
Unity Pond (Lake Winnecook) Unity 4/21/14
Sabattus Pond Sabattus 4/19/14
Patrick Lake Marion 4/19/14
Indian Lake Whiting 4/19/14
Orange Lake Whiting 4/19/14
Rocky Lake Whiting 4/19/14
Moody Pond Lincolnville 4/16/14
Washington Pond Washington 4/15/14
Norton Pond Lincolnville 4/15/14
Lermond Pond Hope 4/15/14
Megunticook Lake Camden/Lincolnville 4/15/14
Hosmer Pond Camden 4/15/14
Alford Lake Hope 4/14/14
Grassy Pond Rockport 4/13/14

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