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Specialty license plates to support program services
Conservation Plate

The Maine Environment Trust Fund receives $14 from each set of plates purchased or renewed and this amount is tax deductible. The money supports state parks and the Endangered and Non-game Wildlife Fund.
Maine Agriculture Specialty Plate

The Maine Agriculture Education Fund receives $10 from each purchase and renewal fee. Funds are used for agricultural education in Maine. Training and materials for teachers, grants for agricultural programs in school and field trips are some programs these funds support.
Support Animal Welfare Plate

The proceeds are equally distributed between the Animal Welfare Auxiliary Fund and the Companion Animal Sterilization Fund.
Plates are available at all Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicle Branch Offices and at many town offices. If the plates are not available in your town, they can be purchased at the nearest BMV branch office or by making a copy of your registration and a check for $20 ($45 for vanity) made payable to the Secretary of State to: Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Specialty Plate Clerk, 29 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333.
Order vanity versions of these plates online and have it shipped to your residence.
Additional Services
Find a State Park, Historic Site, or Public Reserve Land
Conservation Lands Registry - For holders of conservation easements and fee-owned conservation land
Fire Danger Reports sent to your email or phone from the Maine Forest Service