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ATV Club Grant

Building a trail bridge
What is an ATV Club Grant?
It's money available to all ATV Clubs registered with the ATV Program of the Bureau of Parks and Lands. The moneys are to help defray some ATV trail development and maintenance expenses.
June 1......................................Register club*
July 1.......................................Submit grant application
January 30................................Last date to submit reimbursement request
*Note: All clubs must be incorporated and in good standing with the Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions to receive a grant. Annual filings are due no later than June 1 (to avoid late fees) and they are no longer mailing out reminders. You can contact the Bureau at 624-7752 or visit their website: Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does a club obtain an application? +
All organized ATV clubs that notify the Bureau will be registered. A club must be registered with the Program before June 1 in order to be eligible for a grant during that calendar year.
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What is the application process? +
A completed application must be submitted to the ATV Program. Deadline: July 1 is the deadline for applications. Any application postmarked after that date will be denied for the season.
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Is landowner permission required for use of the land where the trail passes? +
Yes. Written or oral permission is required. Documented proof must be submitted with the application. The proposal must also include approved permits by DEP or LUPC, when required for any project.
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What information is required on/with the application? +
- club name and address
- president's name and phone number
- trail master's name and phone number
- trail classification
- map showing the mileage and location of trails
- proof of landowner permission
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What type of map must be submitted with the application? +
A topographical map or a map of similar scale and quality. Trails should be accurately located on the map. Submission of a hand drawn map is unacceptable.
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What type of expenses are considered eligible? +
Most trail development and or improvement costs such as:
- Gas & Oil / Nails & Bolts etc.
- Equipment rentals, repairs, or hourly rates
- Bridge & Culvert materials
- Labor for approved work on the trails
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Are capital equipment purchases, such as ATVs, eligible expenses? +
No. The Bureau will not reimburse for capital equipment purchases. A reasonable hourly rental fee or mileage rate can be charged to reflect those expenses.
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Do the trails have to meet certain guidelines? +
Yes. Maine Best Management Practices (BMP) standards and Maine ATV signing guidelines are required.
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How does a club know whether the grant is approved or denied? +
A letter will be sent to the club correspondent notifying him/her of the disposition of their application. A copy of the approved application will accompany the approval letter.
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How will a club know the amount of the approved grant? +
The approval letter and a copy of the application will state the grant amount. The maximum any club can receive may change each year based on available funding.
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Once a project is approved, does the club receive a check for the amount? +
No. This is a reimbursement program. Local money must be spent before State money can be received. A completed reimbursement form must be submitted to the ATV Program.
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When should a reimbursement request be submitted? +
Clubs should send their requests in as soon as the work is completed. Reimbursement requests should not be submitted more often than monthly. All requests must be postmarked on or before January 31st of the following calendar year.
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What if a club spends less than the approved amount? +
A club can only receive reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses relating to club trail construction and maintenance.
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If a club's expenses exceed the approved amount, can reimbursement exceed that amount? +
No. Reimbursement cannot exceed the approved amount, however, the Bureau would like to know what the total expenses were for future Program evaluation.
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Do receipts have to accompany the reimbursement request to prove the reported expenses? +
Yes. Worksheets and copies of receipts should be submitted with the reimbursement form. Clubs should retain copies for future inspection should the need arise.
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Is it possible for a club to receive any money if the reimbursement request is submitted after the deadline? +
Yes. However, for each day the request is late, 10% of the approved amount or 10% of the actual expenses, whichever is less, will be deducted. No reimbursement will be made 10 days after the deadline.
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When will the approved club receive the reimbursement check and to whom will the check be sent? +
The Program reviews the reported expenses for approval. If there are no problems, checks are normally issued in 20 working days. The check will be sent to the club president of record and mailed to the address on record with the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, Bureau of Parks and Lands.
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May trails funded through this grant be included in another grant request to the ATV Program? +
No. These funded trails may not be included in any other grant application to this program.
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May the trails included under these grants be confined to the club members only? +
No. Trails must be open to the public for ATV riding.
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What method is used by the State to ensure that the work is performed according to the project description? +
A representative of the ATV Program does periodic field inspections & audits.
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Who can I contact with additional questions? +
Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Bureau of Parks and Lands
ATV Program
22 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0022
Tel. (207) 287-4958
Fax (207) 287-8111
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