Snowmobile Club Grant

What is a Snowmobile Club Grant?

It is a grant made available to all snowmobile clubs who are on file with the Snowmobile Program and wish to participate. It is intended to help defray some of the expenses incurred in snowmobile trail preparation, including pre-season work and winter grooming. This differs from the municipal grant in that it is made directly to a club and does not require municipal involvement.

Deadline Reminder:

June 1.........................................Register club*

December 1...............................Submit grant application

April 30.......................................Submit reimbursement request with receipts

*Note: All clubs must be incorporated and in good standing with the Bureau of Corporations, Elections & Commissions to receive a grant.  Annual filings are due no later than June 1 (to avoid late fees) and they are no longer mailing out reminders. You can contact the Bureau at 624-7752 or visit their website: Bureau of Corporations, Elections & Commissions.

Related Forms and Information:

Some of these forms are downloadable PDF documents. You will need the free Adobe Reader to view them. If you have difficulty accessing PDF forms call the Snowmobile Program at (207) 287-4957.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How does a club obtain an application?

Grant applications are sent automatically every fall to each club listed with the Program. A club can be listed by notifying the Program of their formation. However, a club must be organized, incorporated and listed with the program prior to December 1 in order to be eligible during that season.

How may a club apply?

An application must be completely filled out, either typed or written in ink and all pages returned to the Program for processing.

Is there a deadline for applying?

Yes, December 1. If an application is postmarked after that date, it will be denied for that season.

What information is required with the application?

The name and address of the club, the name, address and phone number of the trail master. Also, number of miles of trail and location, signature of president, trail master, witness and a map of the trail are required.

What type of map must be submitted with the application?

Preferably a topographical map, or at least a map of equal scale and similar quality. The trails should be drawn on it as accurately as possible. Submission of a hand drawn map is unacceptable. When possible if your trails are done in by GPS mapping, sending the actual GPS file, (not just the map and map file) is helpful. For questions regarding GPS mapping your trails, call the Snowmobile Coordinator at (207) 287-4959.

Is permission required from the landowner for use of the land over which the trail passes?

Yes. Written or oral permission for 100% use of the trail is required.

May the trail cross frozen bodies of water under this grant?

No. Trails funded under this program cannot be located on ponds and lakes. Bridges should be provided to cross rivers and streams. Any trail accessible only by crossing frozen bodies of water cannot be included in the trail mileage. Every possible route available should be explored to relocate trails off bodies of water for safety reasons.

How does a club know whether the grant is approved or denied?

A letter will be sent to the club correspondent for each applicant notifying them of the disposition of their application.

How will a club know how much money they are approved for?

The grant is figured on the basis of $210.00 per mile of trail, measured one way, for up to and including 30 miles of trail. The maximum that any one club can be approved for is $6,300. The approval letter will state the amount of the grant.

If a club hires a person to prepare or maintain their trail, is that expense eligible for reimbursement?

Yes. A club can hire someone to perform the necessary trail preparation or maintenance duties providing the rate charged is reasonable. The charges can include labor, equipment rental and/or repairs to equipment.

What types of expenses are considered eligible?

Gas, oil, equipment repairs, labor, equipment rental, bridge repair material, sign backing material, trail improvement expenses, insurance and registration for club owned snowmobiles are eligible.

Are capital equipment purchases made by a club such as snowmobiles, drags or ATV's an eligible expense?

Capital Equipment Grants are available through a separate application process; please review the program information for Capital Equipment.

If a club's expenses exceed the amount they were approved for, may their reimbursement exceed that amount?

No. Reimbursement cannot exceed the approved amount. However, we do want to know what the total actual expenses are.

What if a club spends less than the approved amount?

A club is only eligible to receive reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses related to club trail maintenance. Expenses can include costs related to the preparation of groomed trails.

When should a reimbursement request be submitted?

The reimbursement request form with receipts and worksheets must be completed and forwarded to the Program. We recommend that clubs send their request in as soon as possible after the end of the grooming season. In any event, all submissions must be postmarked on or before April 30.

Do receipts have to accompany the reimbursement request to substantiate the reported expenses?


Is it possible for a club to receive any money if the reimbursement request is submitted after the deadline?

Yes. However, for each day the request is late, 10% of the approved amount or 10% of the actual expenses, whichever is the least amount, is deducted. At the end of that 10 day period, no money will be received.

When will the approved club receive the reimbursement check, and to whom will the check be sent?

Checks are normally issued after review and approved by the Program of the expenses reported. The check is sent to the club address listed in the Program file.

May trails funded under this grant be included in another grant request to the Program?

No. Trails funded under this grant cannot be included in any other grant application.

May the trails included under these grants be confined to club members only?

No. These trails must be open to the general public for snowmobiling.