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Maine Snowmobile News & Trail Notices
On This Page
- Snowmobile Trail Groomer Operator Awareness Training (Video on YouTube)
- Municipal Grant Training Powerpoint 2013 (PDF 2MB)
- Capital Equipment Grant Training Powerpoint 2015 (PDF 305KB)
- Disaster Relief Grant Training Powerpoint 2015 (PDF 1.1MB)
Trail Notices
December 16, 2024
After last week's storm over a dozen blowdowns across the Down East Sunrise Trail (DEST), the trail is now open again to recreational users after Bureau of Parks and Lands Off-Road Vehicle staff and volunteers from the Dennysville and Narraguagus clubs went out and cleared the entire trail over the weekend. However, the Harrington section of the DEST will be closed on Wednesday, Dec. 18, from 8 AM to noon for work the Town of Harrington will be doing that will impact the ability to ride the trail in that area.
December 5, 2024
Important Trail Notice regarding the Rail Trails: The Whistle Stop Trail, Four Seasons Adventure Trail, Kennebec Valley Trail, and Lagrange Rail Trail are closed for the season effective immediately, 12/05/24. Please obey posted closures in order to prevent further damage to the trails.
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Trail Tips
Anxious to hit the trails?
Who wouldn't be? With thousands of miles of trails to explore, Maine is a hot spot for snowmobiling. As the first snow storms arrive and you gear up for the season, keep these points in mind to ensure a safe and enjoyable winter of riding!
Respect Landowners. Keep trails open.
As you gear up for a ride, keep in mind that over 95% of Maine's 14,000 miles of trails are on private property. Private landowners have generously granted permission to clubs to establish trails on their property and they're trusting all of us to treat their property with respect. Keep Maine's trails open by riding safe, staying on marked trails only and always following the laws. Don’t alter your snowmobile's factory exhaust. Loud pipes are illegal and their noise is closing our trails. Lack of respect and land abuse are among the top reasons that private land access is shutdown!
Remember that everyone who enjoys snowmobiling in Maine is depending on you to be responsible on the trails.
Keep it safe.
Taking a ride on a snowmobile is a great way to be active and enjoy the beautiful Maine outdoors. Following safety precautions, rules and common sense are necessary ways to ensure your ride on one of these machines is as safe as it is fun. Before you head out, remember these important safety tips:
- Ride to the right of the trail
- Ride at a reasonable and safe speed and ride within your experience and ability
- Stay alert! Be on the lookout for obstructions or wildlife in the trail
- Carry a map and stay on marked trails
- Use extreme caution when crossing waterbodies
- NEVER drink and ride
Have a plan. Be prepared.
Before you head out for any adventure in the Maine outdoors, always tell someone your plan for the day to include where you are going and when you plan to return. If your trip plans change, be sure to tell someone that they have changed. Bring a small pack to include essential items such as food and water, a means to make fire, extra socks, any needed medications, a map and compass and a GPS or cell phone. All of these items will easily fit into a comfortable pack that will add considerable safety to any trip. These items will not only make an unexpected stay in the woods more comfortable, Maine’s game wardens will have a much easier time locating you should you become lost.
Know before you go. 
- Review the current snowmobile laws
- Register your snowmobile
- Trail maps
- Trail conditions
- Find and join a local snowmobile club
- Take a snowmobile safety course
- Learn more about accessing private land
November 23, 2020
Snowmobile Trail Fund Sticker Available!
Show your support for Maine's snowmobile trail system by purchasing a Snowmobile Trail Fund Sticker.
Stickers are available for purchase:
- Snowmobile Trail Fund Sticker
- From snowmobile registration agents statewide
- At time of or after snowmobile registration
Proceeds from each Trail Supporter sticker, less a $2 administrative charge, will be transferred directly to the Snowmobile Program to support the trail fund. The colorful stickers are available in three levels of support: $25, $50 and $100.