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Maine Conservation Corps
Our Mission is to:
- Accomplish conservation projects
- Create conservation employment
- Provide conservation education
- Engage conservation volunteers

The Maine Conservation Corps (MCC) receives AmeriCorps funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service via the Maine Commission for Community Service.
Our Programs:
Environmental Stewards serve individually with non-profits, state or federal agencies to increase organizational volunteer capacity by recruiting and training community volunteers in conservation projects; fund raise for assistance in conservation efforts; and aid in the implementation of host sites' land management plans.
The Field Team Program consists of trail crews that construct and rehabilitate recreational trails in places like Acadia National Park, Baxter State Park, and on the Appalachian Trail, as well as land owned by local communities and land trusts.
Our Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
124 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0124
Physical Address:
54 Independence Drive, Augusta, ME
(207) 624-6085
TTY: (800) 794-1110
Fax: (207) 287-3342